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Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Healthy Living | Last Active: Jan 29, 2023 | Replies (499)

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Just as hard initially as quiting alcohol 3 years ago. The difference is after the first month of quiting alcohol I still wanted it andi for about a year, but knew 1 drink would lead to 3. Yet after giving up all carbs and sugar after 5 weeks or so, I noticed a dramatic decrease in the craving. My husband (a recent type 2 diabetic) is in complete denial because his A1c is normal taking 2 Metformin day and still wants my homemade desserts. Plus we always have a candy bowl for a quick bite of candy after a meal.Always ice cream in the freezer. Baking his favorite desserts and looking at these sugar foods all day takes will power, yet now I simply don't care. I believe I have rewired my brain. As mentioned before, there is a Time Magazine cover article about addictions- food, alcohol, drugs and such which came out earlier in 2018; fascinating about how we can rewire our brain so it no longer sends direct messages to these addictive pleasure centers. Thus we loose the addictive urge.
Initially I lost about 3 lbs in 2 weeks eating lots of fish, seafood, all meats except processed meats (an 6 oz filet fills the belly) veggie (no mushrooms as they are a fungus), almond milk (sugar free), kefir,plain probiotic yogurt I added Stevia the only allowed sweetner, good oils on salads, only Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother, eggs, and walnuts. Limited dairy- just the ones I mentioned. I like all these allowed foods so I still get to enjoy a full stomach. After the first 2 weeks the weight loss slowed so that in 2 months (even after Thanksgiving indulgence) I have lost about 7 lbs. I was never hungry, just craving. Yet now the craving is gone and my portion size for my healthy food is smaller, by choice. I am down to 130 and below 125 don't look healthy at my age, but now I am supposed to slowly add back some carbs. Yet no processed sugar ever and just minimal amounts of fruit. I used to eat 3-5 pieces a day, addicted to fruit snacking. As mentioned since I have had good results eliminating my chronic yeast inflammation ( I feel so good) I am very motivated to live like this.
Wake up one morning and give it a try. Having good food available it the key!!!!

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Replies to "Just as hard initially as quiting alcohol 3 years ago. The difference is after the first..."

@gardenjunkie Diet sounds good I don't eat alot of fattening foods like sugar only in store bought so this is what I have to eliminate when shopping I live in a senior apt building where there,s donuts here every day at coffee Its my willpower I need to work on.How bout cheese? Did you have to eliminate it? After my by- pass Dr told me to get of fat in red meat I try to buy lean and cut of fat.My husband was a diabetic but loved apple pie with cinnamon ice cream I would eat half of it I blossomed and haven't wilted yet lol