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Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Healthy Living | Last Active: Jan 29, 2023 | Replies (499)

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Wow, you sound like me! At first it seems easy to go to my water exercise classes and eat correctly. But then it seems extremely difficult! I need advice too. Please help.

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Replies to "Wow, you sound like me! At first it seems easy to go to my water exercise..."

@mnretired, Good Morning, and Welcome ! I am happy that you have joined us here. I joined Connect to meet others who shared my health conditions, and I have found so much more - like this group who are working towards meeting some weight goals.
I don't have access to water exercise classes, but I (along with my husband) have joined a local 24 hr gym a year ago. A bonus for us is that our Silver Sneakers pays for it:-) I used to walk with my girlfriends, but they have one-by-one dropped out, and I do not like to walk at the park alone, so this works great for us. My husband is much more motivated to go to the gym, and I am more motivated to eat healthy, so we kind of balance each other!

Do you have anyone that you go with with you? Sometimes a buddy can be a motivator.
I find myself going in spurts, so that I am trying to focus on short term goals. Right now my goal is to get there 2 or 3 days a week. When I do that, I feel successful. Any extra walking or activity becomes a 'bonus' activity in my mind. I also celebrate my days off-because I earned them!!
How often do your classes meet?

@mnretired I go to my water classes at least three times a week, usually four or sometimes even five. On days I don't go I try to get to the gym at the club, but I prefer the water. On some of the days there is a teacher whom everyone loves and she gives a great class so it's always well attended. Although I have not made friends there whom I see outside of my club they are a great group and make the class enjoyable. I guess that is what makes it easy even though I don't have a friend I go with.
I am also finding it difficult to eat correctly. I did fine for a long time but I've been "off the wagon" for a while now. 🙁


@contentandwell Hi JK: I understand exactly what you mean. When you are "on the wagon" it is easier to stay there, but when you go "off the wagon" those cravings for the things you have been eating just have a way of taking over, don't they?

My most intense cravings are sugars (think Reese's Peanut Butter Cups) and as long as I stay away from those intense sugars, I'm good, but when I give in, I'm really hooked and have to go through the whole process again.

It takes a lot of willpower, but worth the effort in the long run. Outside of just plain will power, I don't have any suggestions for getting back on the wagon, but I would love to hear from others if there is an easier way.


@hopeful33250 Today is a new day and I really plan on working on this.

@contentandwell, @hopeful33250 and @mnretired What I do when I "fall off the wagon" is the same as what I did when learning anything in life, I got back on and tried again. Someone once said you can restart your day (attitude) anytime; it's your choice. Some days I get all my exercise by getting back up on that stupid wagon! My knees are bruised and my shins scraped, but by golly - - - I AM going to ride on that wagon because I have seen the benefit of it.

I must admit that I take intentional jumps off that wagon to give myself a treat. Right now I am ill with a virus, so staying on the wagon is easier because I really don't feel like eating. Good luck.

@2011panc I fell off the exercise wagon on Sunday and Monday when I had some gut problems. I should have gotten back on Tuesday but it took me until Wednesday to go to my club for water exercise and then I did not do my usual recumbent bike at home afterward. I do not enjoy exercising so it's always a struggle to get myself going. I did get to water class again today and hopefully tonight I will do my bike again.
I am craving chocolate.