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Moods and Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease | Last Active: Aug 8, 2017 | Replies (39)

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Thank you Tressa.
I will be ordering the hard copy of this book. Will let ypu know how it is anx how it applies to myself. What I can take away from it.

My biggest issue with PD is counseling. I onlyam able to receive a limitex amount of counseling sessions. 4 to br exact, then I need to pay. A same. Well I will ask to see what else is available.

Other than that I am experiencing severe sleep issues. Is this pary of having PD. This is what I have been told. Not sleeping, than too much sleep. Very aggravating

Thanks again

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Replies to "Thank you Tressa. I will be ordering the hard copy of this book. Will let ypu..."

I've had sleep problems for years. I sleep 8 hours but don't rest. Had a sleep study early this year and found out I was only getting restful sleep (in lay terms) 53% of the time. Had a mouth-thingy (another tech term) made and a follow up home sleep study

showed that supposedly fixed everything. But I still nap at least twice a day. Don't seem to be quite as sleepy quite as much but it was not a cure in my case. At least no Cpap is needed.


Thanks for the information Steve.

@ggopher Hi Steve: Thanks for sharing that information. Teresa

@knightkris I'm sorry to hear of your sleep problems. I hope that you are able to find a remedy.

Steve what do u mean by mouth thingy? Thanks. Marie

@knightkris You mentioned that your big issue is counseling and the thought occurred to me that perhaps a support group might be a good addition to the limited counseling that is available to you from your insurance. In a support group, you find that you are not alone with your feelings of anxiety, distress, depression, etc. - and often you find help from hearing others talk of how they cope, or what they have learned. You might "Google" the term "Support Groups for Parkinson's" and see what you can find near your home. Also, NAMI has great support groups for people who deal with all types of anxiety, depression, etc. They generally have support groups for those who suffer from these problems as well as separate support groups for family members and often educational meetings. I encourage you to look for support groups such as these, you might find them very helpful. Also, you can journal about your feelings, worries, etc. Often that can shed light and give you a greater sense of peace. I wish you well as you deal with the mood issues associated with Parkinson's - as we all know, they can be tough! Teresa

Well, I don't know the proper name, but it is like a mouth guard that pushes the bottom jaw forward so my freight train snore is now a whisper and seems to sleep better. It is like 2 tooth-whitener trays hinged together to push the jaw forward. 


Oh now i understand.Thanks Steve.

Thank you

I will ask the PD counselor about support groups. I have one more session left, next week.

I also will check on NAMI to see if this organization exist hete in Vancouver BC Canada

My doctor is trying to help me out. I just am not a fan of to much medication. I already take meds for PD and Fibromyalgia as well as type 2 Diabetes. Then the sleep aids. Just to much.....



@knightkris I understand your reluctance to add another pill to your routine. Medications can be very helpful for sleep problems, though. I wish you well as look for treatments. Teresa