Inner ear tests

Posted by Ryman @ryman, May 25, 2017

The neurologist told me today she wants me to have inner ear testing for dizziness. What are these tests and what would treatment be if that is the problem? Thank you.

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@ryman I have had several inner ear tests for dizziness/balance problems. There are a variety of different tests. Here is a Mayo website that describes some of these tests used to diagnose dizziness: I have personally had the Eye movement testing and the Posturography as well as a few more. When you get these tests scheduled let us know if you have any questions. Teresa

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Thanks. The p.t. he had a the U of MN involved some repositioning. He's fine now. We have what I informally refer to as familial positional dizziness due to low BP, but you learn to live with that. The episode of bad vertigo he had was so sudden and so horrible that you really couldn't live with that!


I've had dizziness off and on for years. I have physical therapy and that works for a short time. My ENT thinks I have Menieres Disease in my right ear and my hearing is getting worse. I don't know what can be done. Does anyone else have this problem?

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Hello @makenzie1, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!

Have you had an appointment with an Specialty Otologist to discuss what can be done about your hearing? I was able to find some information on Meniers disease and treatment on the Mayo Clinic website- Also, if interested here is a link to the ENT department at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. You will find the Appointment line resourceful if you are interested in obtaining an appointment at Mayo Clinic.

I would like to introduce you to member @trishanna who is also on connect and has talked about dizziness. I hope she will share her experiences with you.

@makenzie1- can you talk about how you have coped thus far with your dizziness and loss of hearing? Are you currently using any device such as a hearing aid to help you?


Has anyone had experience with this disease? If so any helpful ways to manage episodes?

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