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Anyone diagnosed with Gastroparesis?

Digestive Health | Last Active: Apr 10 5:06pm | Replies (204)

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Hello @montgomery41,

I found some information from Mayo Clinic regarding new treatments (under investigation) for gastroparesis, and though I'd copy relevant points that might interest you:

– One example is a new drug in development called relamorelin. The results of a phase 2 clinical trial found the drug could speed up gastric emptying and reduce vomiting. The drug is not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but a larger clinical trial is currently underway.
– A number of new therapies are being tried with the help of endoscopy — a slender tube that's threaded down the esophagus. One procedure used endoscopy to place a small tube (stent) where the stomach connects to the small intestine (duodenum) to keep this connection open.
– Gastric electrical stimulation is a surgically implanted device that provides electrical stimulation to stimulate stomach muscles to move food more efficiently. Study results have been mixed. However, the device seems to be most helpful for people with diabetic gastroparesis.
– Gastric pacing also involves a surgically implanted device that stimulates the stomach muscles, but this device tries to more closely mimic normal stomach contractions. Currently, the device is too large and causes discomfort. Gastric pacing devices are only available in clinical trials right now.

The above link also has details about two current Mayo Clinic trials that you may wish to view.

I'd like to reconnect you with @jlfisher56 @kamg @aishia @katmandoo @xcinsanx @harliegirl, as they've discussed similar issues – I hope they will join this conversation and share their thoughts about talking to your doctors.

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Replies to "Hello @montgomery41, I found some information from Mayo Clinic regarding new treatments (under investigation) for gastroparesis,..."

Hi there is this gastric pacing you on about is the pacemaker you talking about or something new