Chronic Back Pain for Years

Posted by jlfisher56 @jlfisher56, May 2, 2017

6 back surgeries (extensive cervical and lumbar fusions) with neurological complications. Left with chronic pain. Accident happened in Nursing career 1992 and worked with first fusions until 1999 (failed fusions). At my age, and as a former nurse educator, I never wanted to had to rely on medication/s for the severe pain. Having thoroughly exhausted exploring sites using non-pharmaceutical methods, using psychological methods, biofeedback, trying to accept my limitations, i.e., I still believe somewhere...out hope. The strong medicine has caused gastroparesis, further complicating my health problems. They are too numerous to write and I will not focus on them. I am looking for "help" and guidance. If I can be of assistance to anyone throughout their trials, (perhaps similar to some of what I have gone through), I will.

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How much PEA are you taking?


Why wouldn’t a pain pump be an option for sciatica pain?

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Who said a pain pump wouldn't be a good intervention for sciatica? That is the main problem that I'm dealing with is sciatica and the pain pump has been the ultimate solution. The pain pump leaks the narcotics directly into your spinal fluid and affects every single part of your body. Pain in any location is affected by the treatment of a pain pump.


@jimhd Not many options for sciatica. I saw a neurosurgeon who said surgery would help but cognitive behavioral therapy would. I have done that. Over the past 5+ years I have tried every stretch, antidepressant, anti seizure, chiropractic, dry needling, physical therapy, acupuncture, etc. I am still in the early stages of myofascial therapy and I have hope. I saw another pain dr and because of black box warning can’t prescribe benzodiazepines with opioids. That is all that works for my conditions. My husband and I have talked at length and if it would give me some semblance of a life I wish I could make the decision of taking the meds. In the over 4 years I’ve taken a pain killer my dosage has never gone up. I am in bed again today crying because the sciatica hurts so bad. I don’t think a pain pump is an option for sciatica.

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Sciatica is the main reason that I have a pain pump. Someone is jerking your chain with bad information.


@lisa7777 is having a pain pump implanted major surgery? Where is it implanted?

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I don't know if you would consider having a pain pump put in major surgery or not. It's generally a procedure that is done in the hospital and you go home the next day or as soon as you can pay after being sedated. In your sixties and seventies and eighties any surgery is Major I suppose. The pump is inserted in your abdomen and a catheter goes up your spine. I don't recall having pain at the incision site after surgery but then the pain, filled with pain in one hundred percent of your body.


My brother takes Gabapentin and gets some relief.
I took Gabapentin and it did nothing.
Both of us developed issues with our memory while on it.
He still takes it on occasion.
I went off.
It was my neck down to my finger tips and my lower back.
After years of pain with no help, I PERSONALLY decided for surgery..
I know many people can't or won't go that route.
I've never looked back...
Glad I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Gabapentin is a great drug, for controlling seizures. It is not a pain med. I took it and it was not effective as a pain med. It is very effective at putting money in the hands of big Pharma especially if they talk you into taking Lyrica instead of Gabapentin


Who said a pain pump wouldn't be a good intervention for sciatica? That is the main problem that I'm dealing with is sciatica and the pain pump has been the ultimate solution. The pain pump leaks the narcotics directly into your spinal fluid and affects every single part of your body. Pain in any location is affected by the treatment of a pain pump.

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I have sciatica from stenosis and I am a retired RN and I agree, it makes no sense to me!


Sciatica is the main reason that I have a pain pump. Someone is jerking your chain with bad information.

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Who said a pain pump wouldn't be a good intervention for sciatica? That is the main problem that I'm dealing with is sciatica and the pain pump has been the ultimate solution. The pain pump leaks the narcotics directly into your spinal fluid and affects every single part of your body. Pain in any location is affected by the treatment of a pain pump.

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I was replying to something Jimhd/busterbrown were writing/discussing. Sometimes I get confused as to who said what and when! I agree, no idea why someone would think pain pumps might not help sciatic pain - ESP if, as person said, they have tried all? other methods of pain relief AND ESPECIALLY IMO, if said pain is making it so they don’t have a normal daily life!

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