Scoliosis - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with scoliosis.
As a community moderator of the Bones, Joints & Muscles and Spine Health groups, I've noticed several members talking about scoliosis, but those discussions were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

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Consider CBD capsuals.

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I tried a high quality brand of CBD and unfortunately, it did nothing for me. Tried for a good year.


i to had it at a young age of 15, back in 1976. it was done at Chicago Children's Memorial. I had a 48 degree curve, in the thoracic region. i am now 59 yrs. young have always had neck pain, and hip pain from the bone graft, back around the age of 40 I started having alot of low back pain. been in pain management for yrs. I got cut off of pain meds, I feel your pain trust me I simply don't know what to do about it I stopped going to my pain Dr. if they can't treat me with every day pain, they will NOT get another dollar from my insurance. HELP ME I will not have any more poking, or prodding, or surgeries

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I hear you about not wanting more surgery. Do you live in a state with medical or otherwise legal marijuana? I know people who swear by it. Are you a candidate for a spinal cord stimulator or similar? I had one and it really helps. Yes, it’s invasive, but it was a day surgery. Movem3nt restrictions afterwards for quite awhile until things heal, but I had minimal discomfort. Acetaminophen took care of it. It has helped me so much, no regrets.


I tried a high quality brand of CBD and unfortunately, it did nothing for me. Tried for a good year.

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I have tried edibles CBD/THC; The dose to ease the pain makes me too stoned for daily activities!!!


Darn! Wonder if you adapt to it or?


I tried a high quality brand of CBD and unfortunately, it did nothing for me. Tried for a good year.

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I’m using 300mg capsules, 9,000mg per 30 quantity in container.


I’m fused S1-T2, C4-5-6. I have pain every day all day. Sometimes puts me in the hospital on a pain med drip until it unclenches. I have found that exercises each specific muscle group in my back helps immensely. I have big rubber bands that I use. I also do the core (Tummy, butt, Kegel). I do them four or five times a day and use Voltaren cream. I’m surviving!

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Reading your description "... until it unclenches." makes me wonder if the spinal issues I have in my back make my muscles around my hips clench in spasm. They literally make me feel like they'll throw me to the floor, and I can only hold on and until it lets loose. My cervical spinal issues cause muscle spasm, too, but not the same way. I can end up with cervicogenic headache.


Hi all, I have severe scoliosis crushing my lungs going across my chest towards my heart and also my diaphragm is up in my lung area. I was told there is nothing that can be done to stop the progression. I am elderly and have osteoporosis and the screws would not hold. The hollow area between my 2 collarbones is now over to the right of my neck and my esophagus and trachea are bent at the collarbone area. Also my abdominal area is affected to the point that my gallbladder is down with my appendix. I never had scoliosis until I had a bad fall about 10 years ago and started to feel short of breath. It was first diagnosed as exercise induced asthma but it turned out to be my spine. I was basically told that eventually I will suffocate to death which did not make me feel too good but I have learned to live with it. My breathing is getting worse, especially since this past February I fell and broke my right hip and shoulder and must have jarred my spine as my breathing is worse since then. Those are the only 2 falls I have had and that first one was on concrete where I tripped on a cement car stop on a snowy day and went down face first with my bag in front of me digging up into my diaphragm. I also lost 4 front teeth from that fall. I had taken hubby for a 2nd procedure to try to remove a 180 degree precancerous polyp from his duodenum and he was still a bit loopy when they discharged him so I was paying more attention to him than where I was walking. I actually fell in the hospital parking lot. It really was a doozy of a fall.


Yikes! Do you normally take any anti spasmodic medication like cyclobenzaprine or baclofen? I found the latter works better, doesn’t make me drowsy and less side effects such as dry mouth. That’s a lot of fusions! My neck is fused at same levels.

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No! I’m allergic to all that stuff. Opiates, muscle relaxers, all of it. I take Celebrex, tylenol and gabapentin. As long as I keep moving I’m ok. My problem is I mentally bury the pain. Works for me 99% of the time. But that last 1% is killer. I find it takes not much to trip me over into a state of anger. So I try to stay away from people, driving, stores...etc.


I tried a high quality brand of CBD and unfortunately, it did nothing for me. Tried for a good year.

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Did zero for me.


I have tried edibles CBD/THC; The dose to ease the pain makes me too stoned for daily activities!!!

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Not legal where I live.

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