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Two Kinds Lung Cancer and dealing with other issues

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Mar 27, 2018 | Replies (104)

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shortshot80) I had called my oncologist (have appt with her on Monday) have had about four weeks of breathing problems. Walked one block to the postoffice, & small church for bible study, lady asked me what was wrong. Told her breathing problems, she pulled out a chair and told me to sit Got a ride home after church. This was last Wed, a week ago. Guess I'll stay home till things get better. Nancy

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Replies to "shortshot80) I had called my oncologist (have appt with her on Monday) have had about four..."

Hi Nancy,
Monday must seem like a long way away. Did you tell your oncologist how uncomfortable you are feeling? I think that Linda may have some relaxation exercises that might help. I'm also bringing in other members for their support and suggestions @burrkay @amws @alicantina1 @merilee and @sistergoldenhair

Nancy, have you found that certain activities or circumstances make the breathing worse? What helps?

shortshot80) Yes, I called and they tried to fit me in, I am 65 miles away from my oncologist, so they wanted me to go to the hospital. I did and told them I was have a hard time breathing. Took me right in, was there last night for five hours. They triagt me and took all the vitals, took blood, put in a IV so they could treat me after the tests. Checked out my cat scan from last Monday. A xray and found: Diagnosis is Dyspinea, unspecified type. COPD with acute exacerbation (HCC Mesothelioma (HCC, Malignant neoplasm of lower love of right lung(HCC. Lab Tests Completed:

Hi Nancy, @shortshot80

I'm so glad that you were able to get some medical help before Monday. Did you get any treatments to help with your breathing problems? Take care and keep in touch.


shortshot80) balance of report. They did all the labs and gave me several precriptions to fill, but also gave me antibotic and predsome in my IV. So today I'm feeling a little better, but it will take some time. It was really nice in the hospital. I told the front lady that I had trougle breathing and it wasn't even five minutes and two nurses were beside me and holding my arms took me to a bed. Everything was really fast and easy. I live 25 miles either direction from where I live. Nancy

Nancy, @shortshot80

Prednisone is great for inflammation and the antibiotic should work well for you. What a blessing that you got just quick service at the hospital. I hope you have a more restful weekend. Will you let us know how you are doing tomorrow?


Hello Everyone!

Well after today I saw my cancer doctor. Tomorrow I have a consultation with a surgeon to place
a port in my chest. I will be having chemo of some sort in the coming weeks. Not sure just what
but it depends on another test of some of the cultures taken when I first had surgery in January 2016.
What ever the culture is what kind of chemo I will have . Immune chemo is possible to have which
will kick start my immune system. The chemo will be about every three weeks, four or five hour episode.
Till how ever long ??.

Wanted to pass this much information to you.

Prayers Please as I go through this hurdle. Tuesday 10/10/17

Thank You all

Hello Nancy, @shortshot80

We so appreciate the update. Yes, you will definitely have my prayers for your upcoming treatment.The immune chemo sounds very promising. Please let us know when you will be starting the new treatments and how you are doing in general.

Are you still finding relief from the symptoms you were experiencing last week?


shortshot80) Yes somewhat the "nebkulazer" machine (spelling problems this morning) I have to o that twice daily and it does seem to help some anyway. Also have been having trouble sleeping, maybe 3 or 4 hours, Doc changed one med from 15 mg to 30 mg and it seemed to help some last nigh. Bed at 9"30 up three times rest room got up at 4:30 am. Am up , awake and keeping somewhat busy.
answereing burrkay, No I don't think I have any tests (molcular tests, I think it would not do any good, I have Mesothelioma in my left lung and plain lung cancer in my right lung. The hospital doc told me that my right lung looked like some one shot buck shot all throught my lung. Perhaps the radiation I had in June did that. I don't know. Just really short of breath. Hey everyone Thanks for listening. Nancy

shortshot80) Wednessday Morning 10/11: Well Monday I saw my oncologist:: talked about what is going to happen now. She figured that when I had radiation that possibly the radiation instead of killing the cancer in my right lung, it shattered it all thourgh my lung. So now I saw a surgeon yesterday for consultation of a port for the chemo.. I had my calendar with me and he looked and told me that he could do the surgery on Monday Morning. "What is this 2pm appt for? so told hime about my past primary doc that i had on August 22. The doc was 30 minutes late. She came in and floundced down in the chair and opened the computer and said " what makes you think you need to see me this morning"? I didn't say anything and just left. So anyway I have a new primary doc to see on Monday also at 2pm. The surgeon said He would do me first for the port, so I have to be at the hospital at 6am 65 miles from home. So Monday is going to be a busy day for me.. I did sleep a little better last night. The increase in my bedtime medicine helped a lot. (I think) So my journey is beginning, not one I planned but going forward. Thanks for letting me talk here, It is a release that someone is litening. Nancy

you have two blessings
your anniversary
and you trust your doctors
this is so great