Cerebellar stroke experience, treatment, recovery
I suffered a Cerebellar Stroke in Dec 2015 in my 40s and am interested in connecting with other cerebellar stroke survivors to share our experiences, testing/therapy options, struggles on the path to recovery.
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Your story touched my heart so much. In so many ways.
I am of the Vietnam war age. I know what my friends endured over there to be spit upon when returning home. The horrors they saw and in many cases but not all, participated in.
Your husband went thru a lot and I honor him. Please share that with him.
It sounds like you made an unbearable situation bearable one trick at a time. Good for you. It sounds like you have a great mind to figure this out so far with so little help. VA was useless in those days.
I appreciated you sharing your story and realized you have accomplished MY DREAM.
I had set up a huge dream family when I was 8. I would have a very large family with oddles of grands, greats and great, great grandchildren. My children did not cooperate in my dream and that's the way it is. I have one grandson out of 3 children of my body.
However, my family also spreads across 5 continents with children of my heart. I feel so blessed by that. I have shared my heart with hundreds of folks across the world. We each have been blessed in our lifetimes.
I worked hard to honor my feelings what ever they were. On the hardest days, I would find one moment of joy and I would put it in my pocket and take it out at the end of the day with any others I collected and realized it was a pretty good day. Some days were just too difficult to categorize any other way. Small baby steps get you a long way.
I have the gift of sharing what worked for me to others who have known great pain cuz it takes one to know one.
On the days that were just too difficult to bear, I learned I had the best day when I honored the pile of crap that was on my plate that day. I became greatful cuz you truly have to know the bad or worst to FULLY appreciate the best.
I am happy for you, you rock!
Bright Wings
Thank you for your blessing it means a lot.
I am remembering my girlfriend's husband rolling out of bed screaming "incoming" huddling by the side of the bed in terror. This went on until he passed 4 years ago.
Our minds can be powerful tools or blockers, it just depends on finding the right key to use to unblock the challenges in front of you and never, never giving up. Smiling at you Bright Wings
@brightwings ...Yep, crap on a plate, lol! , That's exactly what the day brings. I go to bed and hope I won't be dished up the same old crap tomorrow. But, half the time it's my attitude. Then I have to adjust. Thanks brightwings. You are a ray of sunshine, bit so real, too. I don't like saccharine. Life ain't that sweet. It's tough, but with consolations along the way. I prefer sundhine over gloom, but gloom happens. Gotta make peace with it. Don't have to like it, though. Sounds like you make your own sunshine! Good for you, and thanks for sharing it! Am glad you have family to love and be proud of. Really. Hope you get to see them, though I'm sure you communicate plenty. Blessings. JMJ
Oh, I have been thru my share of crap, both mine and others. It is all about our feelings. But to honor them, you first have to recognize them.
When I started seeing my 4th therapist, she would ask me how I was feeling. Often I had no clue. Truth...
So she would pick up this piece of paper I learned to HATE.
IT was full of little faces showing different feelings. How did I ever go thru all those years of therapy and no one realized I didn't know how to feel anything but sad or happy.
Well, with great resistance, I learned to feel inside myself what the face of the little kid felt. It was horrible!!!! To be in my 50s and realize all this was so stunning.
What a great little actress I became as a kid. Keep everyone happy. This was my job.
I just didn't know how to handle relearning how to feel. It sucked big time.
One foot in front of the other, blah, blah, blah.
But long story short, by sticking with it, I did learn how to be happy or sad and even angry. I honored myself for whatever I was feeling.
Good for you all. Keep on keeping on, cuz no matter how bad things are today, it will be different tomorrow. That's something you can count on..
Attitude is everything......Bright Wings
Will some one with a computer please Google, NPR, From Gloom To Gratitude.
please then post the link here.
Thru my 33 year journey to take back my life from the extreme abuse I grew up in, I have learned to accomplish these 8 tips and live a fairly joyful life. You can too.
I hope you each print them out and do them everyday. I promise it will make your life sweeter.
Bright Wings.
I usually say to an unsuspecting person, I promise I won't ask you to do anything I have not done...
This is truth...however, I do neglect to say I have tried or done just about any and every trick to heal...why???
Cuz I was worth it! You are too.
Bright Wings
Thanks for sharing, I had the exact experience. It has been 7 months now and I am greatful also. I have days of very unstable balance. I try balance exercises, and such. I was wondering if anyone else suffered a left side no reason stroke and how long the imbalances last?
Yes contact me. I have questions about balance.
I hope you do not mind if I barge in here. I had a left cerebellar stroke almost two years ago. I didn't know it at the time. Mine was caused by a left vertebral artery dissection that occurred during cervical fusion, vertebrae c4-c5-c6. I had extreme vertigo and a terrible headache. However, after about a week of using a walker and cane, the balance issues started to dissipate. Still sometimes I tend to veer to the left, and stairs are still something I take my time on. I use hand rails a lot more than I did before the surgery. For me, the initial problems were all blamed on the surgery and the drugs since they did not know I had had a stroke. It wasn't until about 1 ½ years after that I had an MRI that caught it. I am of the opinion that at this point I have what I have. One of my neurologists said the occasional dizziness I get is probably due to the temporary lack of blood to the cerebellum and probably will never go away. I also tend to move a bit slower than I used to.
Anyway, I hope my experience helps.
@bille Thanks for sharing your experience! Everyone's input is what makes Connect a great place to learn and gain helpful information.
How are you feeling now, @bille? Have you had any post-stroke physical and/or cognitive therapy to help with these symptoms?