Walking without a hip joint

Posted by dzoneill @dzoneill, Mar 10, 2017

Is anyone currently walking without a hip joint?

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My daughter was born without any hip sockets. After many doctors and exploratory surgery all I hear now is there is nothing to do for her. She is ten and she taught herself how to walk, run sit and even ride a bike (with training wheels). She suffers from a lot of pain and has very poor stability or coordination, but she is a miracle and I would love to hear from anyone like her. I would love to know if there is anyway to build her a socket or make her pain less if at all possible. Thanks for sharing and allowing me to share


My daughter was born without any hip sockets. After many doctors and exploratory surgery all I hear now is there is nothing to do for her. She is ten and she taught herself how to walk, run sit and even ride a bike (with training wheels). She suffers from a lot of pain and has very poor stability or coordination, but she is a miracle and I would love to hear from anyone like her. I would love to know if there is anyway to build her a socket or make her pain less if at all possible. Thanks for sharing and allowing me to share

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@cainadc Your daughter sounds like a very brave and tenacious young girl. I hope there is something out there that can help her.


My daughter was born without any hip sockets. After many doctors and exploratory surgery all I hear now is there is nothing to do for her. She is ten and she taught herself how to walk, run sit and even ride a bike (with training wheels). She suffers from a lot of pain and has very poor stability or coordination, but she is a miracle and I would love to hear from anyone like her. I would love to know if there is anyway to build her a socket or make her pain less if at all possible. Thanks for sharing and allowing me to share

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Hello @cainadc and welcome to Mayo Connect!

How wonderful that you are seeking the best care for your daughter. She is remarkable to have made so much unexpected progress. You must be very proud of her!

Has she ever been to a Mayo facility for a consultation? I understand that Shriner's Hospital is also good at orthopedic problems with children.

I look forward to hearing from you again and getting updates from you about how she is doing and what you are learning about this. Will you post again?


My daughter was born without any hip sockets. After many doctors and exploratory surgery all I hear now is there is nothing to do for her. She is ten and she taught herself how to walk, run sit and even ride a bike (with training wheels). She suffers from a lot of pain and has very poor stability or coordination, but she is a miracle and I would love to hear from anyone like her. I would love to know if there is anyway to build her a socket or make her pain less if at all possible. Thanks for sharing and allowing me to share

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Your daughter sounds like quite a girl. I am assuming that since she doesn’t hip sockets she may have one leg shorter than the other which will cause her not to stand straight. If that is the case I hope you have looked into a shoe lift for the shorter leg. Your orthopedic doctor should be able to refer you to someone who can measure and get the right lift she needs. This really helped with my back pain and ability to stand straight. But I agree with Teresa, you should see if you can go to a Mayo Clinic....I wouldn’t give up, technology is allowing for amazing things these days. Good luck.


@cheryl99 hi, it has been just over 4 months since my hip was removed. I am now recovering from 2 months of radiotherapy. I am walking with crutches and a walker and can get up and down stairs with a crutch and handrail. How long has it been since your hip removal? And what is your mobility like now? Also, what are your realistic long term goals? Sorry for the questions but I am struggling to find any information from people that are going through this as well. Best wishes for the future

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Hi Jbro, it has been a while and I was just wondering how you were doing.


My 87 year old mom was born with hip dysplasia. 23 years ago she had hip replacement surgery. In December 18, her hip dislocated. After 4 dislocations, her surgeon performed revision surgery that totally failed. A week later he was planning on doing a complete replacement. Surgery was supposed to last 4 hours. He was done in 45 minutes. He said bone was too weak, so they removed the entire implant. Shes been in a rehab facility for past month. She came home Friday and and fell Saturday. The lift on her shoe is about three inches high, but she still doesnt place her entire foot down, but rather walks on her tip toes. She tries to walk with her Walker, but it's more like dragging her leg. Someone has to be by her entire time because she loses her balance. In your opinion should we get a second opinion? Besides the hip issue, shes healthy and was very active. Shes a strong lady, but I feel like shes going to give up.


My 87 year old mom was born with hip dysplasia. 23 years ago she had hip replacement surgery. In December 18, her hip dislocated. After 4 dislocations, her surgeon performed revision surgery that totally failed. A week later he was planning on doing a complete replacement. Surgery was supposed to last 4 hours. He was done in 45 minutes. He said bone was too weak, so they removed the entire implant. Shes been in a rehab facility for past month. She came home Friday and and fell Saturday. The lift on her shoe is about three inches high, but she still doesnt place her entire foot down, but rather walks on her tip toes. She tries to walk with her Walker, but it's more like dragging her leg. Someone has to be by her entire time because she loses her balance. In your opinion should we get a second opinion? Besides the hip issue, shes healthy and was very active. Shes a strong lady, but I feel like shes going to give up.

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@elizam second opinion, run don’t walk to another opinion.


Hi Jbro, it has been a while and I was just wondering how you were doing.

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Hi, cheryl99. I am very fortunate. After emergency debridement surgery, followed by a dozen blood draws spanning 6 weeks of daily antibiotic infusions and 3 months of close observation, I have been cleared by my infectious disease doctor. The MRSA infection in my hip replacement surgical site was eradicated before it could attach and harbor on the prosthesis. I have much to be thankful for. You are very kind to ask. I hope it is well with you. Although I don’t visit this forum as much as I used to, I still pray for everyone who has posted, including you. Blessings, jbro


So glad to hear you are doing great.


Hello, I'm sorry your going thru this. I know how you feel Doctors dont listen to their patients. I'm currently without a hip its been almost 5 months. I believe my infection is gone now i was on IV antibiotics and then oral antibiotics and then i got pneumonia. I'm gonna DEMAND my hip be put back in. I went thru 1 total hip replacement and 2 revision i also live in pain everyday. Thank God for our husbands. I don't know many men that would deal with al of this.. Good Luck

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I too had right hip removed because of a staph infection; I've been cleared of staph. I have no spacer in the hip and I am in a lot of pain when physical therapy tries to work with me so I have made very little progress in walking. I also have a deteriorating back which causes a lot of pain along with groin pain which I can't seem to overcome and walk. It has been 5 months now and I still can't walk. I want a hip replacement but the surgeon says I have to be mobile before he can do surgery, it is so frustrating.

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