Walking without a hip joint

Posted by dzoneill @dzoneill, Mar 10, 2017

Is anyone currently walking without a hip joint?

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I hope everything goes well for you and that you don’t have to have the help removed,


I hope everything goes well for you and that you don’t have to have the help removed,

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Thank you so much


@jbro my first surgery was an emergency surgery done by a local doctor and not the specialist I had originally consulted with. The specialist and I were not planning any surgery because my bones weren't healing (radiation damaged) and felt any surgery was a high risk for infection. So we didn't discuss the options you mention. I already had an advanced infection at my first surgery.

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Thank you for helping me understand how your circumstances are much different than those of us who never had an infection from radiation damage, but became infected after hip replacements. Your case was certainly more urgent and complicated. I am praying for your infection to disappear so that the day comes when antibiotics are no longer needed. I am also praying for your hip joint to become more stable so that your pain goes away and you can become more active. Thank you for helping and encouraging others like me in this forum, jbro


Hi, peaky1966
I have the same questions for you as what I just asked geek_girl:
1. Before your Girdlestone surgery, did the surgeon discuss as an option the purposeful separation of your femur and pelvic socket?
If yes, did the surgeon give pros and cons for each option?
2. Did your doctors ever say that infection was less likely, or easier to treat, with one of the two options above?
Thank you for your time, jbro

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@jbro I didn't know I was going to end up with no hip until after surgery. They were cutting out a tumour that had invaded my pelvis and not enough bone was left for a hip replacement. I will get an adapted automatic car where the gas pedal is moved over to the left side of the break allowing me to drive with my left leg


Pesky, excuse me for breaking in on you conversation with jbro but I have a question. I also had my hip removed and part of my pelvis. I have a raised shoe and can drive with my right leg fine. Is there a reason you will have to use your left leg?


Pesky, excuse me for breaking in on you conversation with jbro but I have a question. I also had my hip removed and part of my pelvis. I have a raised shoe and can drive with my right leg fine. Is there a reason you will have to use your left leg?

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@cheryl99 I had 4 surgeries on my right hip in the past 6 months. July 2018 being the last one. I still can't walk and can only stand up for a few seconds. It feels like the pelvic and femur bones are grinding. The surgeon claims I should be able to walk with a walker. I lost about 3 inches in height. I kept getting infections which is why so many surgeries. I wish you lots of luck. God bless you and have a merry Christmas and safe happy new year... Mary


I am so sorry you have gone through so much. I will keep you in my prayers. Hopefully you will be able to walk with a walker in time but most of all I pray you will be able to without pain. Merry Christmas to you also.


hip joint removed due to staf infection, MSSA, is it possible to walk with a walker


Welcome to Connect, @jcorrieri.

You may notice that I moved your message and combined it with this existing discussion on walking without a hip joint. I did this as I thought it would be beneficial for you to be introduced to other members who’ve shared their experiences.
If you click on VIEW & REPLY in your email notification, you will see the whole discussion and can join in, meet, and participate with other members talking about their or their loved ones' experiences.

Could you share a few more details, @jcorrieri ? When did you have the procedure?


Pesky, excuse me for breaking in on you conversation with jbro but I have a question. I also had my hip removed and part of my pelvis. I have a raised shoe and can drive with my right leg fine. Is there a reason you will have to use your left leg?

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@cheryl99 I was told I would probably need an adapted automatic as my right leg may not be strong enough to make an emergency stop. I haven't tried driving yet, but my right leg is getting stronger

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