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Welcome @joy4trees, to Connect and to this timely, complex and important discussion of bones and how they need some help as they grow old with us. Our mission is to improve the quality of all of our members' lives. Since you have been reading posts on this issue, do you have a sense of what all of your options are and where they might fall on a risk analysis chart?

Your plan is to avoid medication. If that is your choice may I introduce you to my friend Debra Rose, the author of "Fallproof". You can find the book on Amazon. Debra is a professor of kinesiology and a noted trainer of physical therapists in how to help us learn how not to fall. ( She actually is a friend.)

And I remember that the surgeon who performed my reverse shoulder replacement told me as I walked out the door....."don't fall, Chris, I can't fix you."

Please let us know of findings and thoughts that might help others.
Be safe and protected.

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Replies to "Welcome @joy4trees, to Connect and to this timely, complex and important discussion of bones and how..."

Thanks, I've not heard of 'Fallproof'. Sounds like a good resource.