← Return to Heart transplant: recovering but steroids are affecting behavior

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@ca426 Hi, Charlie. It is good to hear from you. Thanks for dropping in for a brief visit. It is always nice to 'hear' from another old transplant friend!
I hope that you are warm and comfortable wherever you are right now. It is cold here in central Kentucky, but I am warm and inside recovering from a cold. My goal is to be extra cautious and not to pick up any kind of germ that is circulating during this flu season.

I am guessing that your reply "Yes" is to the high dose of steroids concern in the original post. I have read a lot of responses from other transplant patients, any I have noticed that they, too, have experienced the same effects.

yes nice and warm, although I am no stranger to the cold I grew up in Illinois but I've been in North Carolina for 30 yrs., I get some form of cold or something once in awhile but not much of a problem, I'm carful out in public, I think that there's a lot of things out there to scare people, I've only had a flu shot twice my entire life and ( my adult life ) and I only got the flu once, when everybody was at our house for Christmas and out of 7 people only 2 weren't sick. That was a ruff one but for the most part I do real well. I hope you cold get's better, I take vitamin c on a regular basis and it helps a lot, there's been a little dusting of snow hear but nothing to speak of, anyhow nice to hear from you have a merry Christmas.