Horrible Hives

Posted by thoferer81017 @thoferer81017, Feb 19, 2017

Hello! iv had hives since the beginning of last December and they are absolutly MISSiRABLE!!! Iv been to my regular doc she had given me a steroid shot and pill thought i was allergic to something and had referred me to an immulologist. Later that evening my hives got worse so i just went to the hospital to get it checked out but that was pointless and waste of money i was told the same thing and the doc had given me another steroid shot which i had told her didn't help earlier that day which is why i was there. I ended up never sleeping at night having hot/cold sweats taking alot of antihistamines that felt like forever. Did end up getting an appointment with an immulologist and skin test came out that i wasnt allergic to anything, and blood work was normal. Now i'am taking 2 180mg tablets of Allegra,Montelukast SOD, Ranitidine all TWICE a day and if i skip or if i'm late on a dose i start getting the hives really bad. Iam going to see an Indocrinologist early next week also. I wish i could figure this out!! I cant stand it anymore just wondering if it is caused by an underlying disease? .Thanks for reading any suggestions will help!

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Hi everyone .... I usually hang out at the brain disorders group (Bipolar 2), but I have need for you all today. I took allergy shots for about 10 years - that was easily 12 years ago. They really worked, contrary to what I'd been told by a lot of folks. The passed 3-4 years, once I get up in the morning I take 2 Benadryl, and then 2 more around 5 PM. As soon as I'm up about 10 min. my hands breakout in what they call "pressure hives." Usually this is JUST my hands, but now and then I can get a patch somewhere else, especially if I rub it on something. This only happens this time of year for me - late Autumn. Otherwise I seem to be fine. I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what in the world is doing this?
If any of you have any ideas or inkling of why this happens I'd be delighted to hear it. Sometime, mid-winter they will stop totally, and I'll not have any until the next late Autumn.
Thanks for any info. you can provide.


Hi everyone .... I usually hang out at the brain disorders group (Bipolar 2), but I have need for you all today. I took allergy shots for about 10 years - that was easily 12 years ago. They really worked, contrary to what I'd been told by a lot of folks. The passed 3-4 years, once I get up in the morning I take 2 Benadryl, and then 2 more around 5 PM. As soon as I'm up about 10 min. my hands breakout in what they call "pressure hives." Usually this is JUST my hands, but now and then I can get a patch somewhere else, especially if I rub it on something. This only happens this time of year for me - late Autumn. Otherwise I seem to be fine. I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what in the world is doing this?
If any of you have any ideas or inkling of why this happens I'd be delighted to hear it. Sometime, mid-winter they will stop totally, and I'll not have any until the next late Autumn.
Thanks for any info. you can provide.

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Hi Abby @amberpep, I moved your message about pressure hives to this existing discussion where you can meet others experiencing similar symptoms. Abby, I encourage you to click VIEW & REPLY in the email notification and review the discussion from the beginning. Kanaaz has provided a few resources that you might find helpful along with the tips from other members.

Abby, other than the time of year, have you noticed anything that might trigger the hives? Heating in the home, clothing, different activities from the rest of the year?


Have had hives for 20 months. Mostly caused by pressure. Take Zyrtec twice a day, 300 mg Ranitidine, and Xolair profusion shot once a month. Any advice will be appreciated. I seen dermatologist and 2 allergist. Many tests have been done but have not resulted in cause of hives.


Have had hives for 20 months. Mostly caused by pressure. Take Zyrtec twice a day, 300 mg Ranitidine, and Xolair profusion shot once a month. Any advice will be appreciated. I seen dermatologist and 2 allergist. Many tests have been done but have not resulted in cause of hives.

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Have had hives for 18 months and are triggered by pressure. Clothes to tight, sitting too long, on side of body I sleep. Have been to dermatologist and alllergist. I am taking Zyrtec twice a day, 300 mg of Ranitidine once a day, and Xolair shot monthly but continue to have hives. Appreciate any help given


HI @zena and welcome to Connect. You may have noticed I moved your posts to this existing discussion on hives so that you can read what others have said about treating this condition. Click VIEW AND REPLY in your email to go back and read the full discussion.

I wanted to tag @amberpep as she has had similar hives and may be able to offer support for you as you search for a solution.

Are the medications helping with your hives at all?


Having a diagnosis of Hashimoto's, one then must begin on a great education. This site is one of many that offer those who share what they have learned about living very successfully with the disease, some even claim that they have "cured" or greatly reduced all symptoms. Until you do learn by trial and error what works for you, It is highly encouraged that you do take the Synthroid (T4) if it works for you, or the many (T3 T4) natural combination medications, like Armour Thyroid, or NatureThroid.
One of the many things that you will learn about is "gut health". In my 30 year battle to regain health and quite a measure of normalcy with Hashimoto's, gut health is always there at the center. Adding natural gut fauna and flora to the digestive tract is one way to nurture the gut. Learn to make your own saurekraut, or kimchi, or any one of a number of other naturally fermented foods and eat at least 1/2 cup of these things daily. Kombucha Tea is another fermented drink that has now become quite available to buy at everyday big grocery stores (that have an "organic" / health food isle). One doctor told me that if you buy saurekraut, do not buy it in plastic or tin, but only in glass (apparently the plastic and tin bring bad things that outweigh the good of good bacteria). Staying away from antibiotics, alcohol, gluten, dairy, and the list goes on is another way to protect "good" gut bacteria that can be destroyed by these things / cause hives. My son gave me a gift of a "canning jar" type fermentation kit that came with a bunch of recipes. Cabbage and salt and time (as in 21 days) are the 3 main ingredients for home-made saurekraut. Functional Dr.s are the best type of Dr. to help you win the battle with Hashimoto's. They treat the person, and yes, use blood tests, etc. but they also listen when the patient says, "I feel worse" or "I feel better". I've come to know that hormones (thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and more) also play a big part in healing. Vitamin D3, selenium, methylated B Vitamins, and Vitamin E are essential in returning to health. Even if you do not suffer from indigestion, consider adding digestive enzymes to a daily vitamin regime. Remember, the disease is centered in the gut. Consider what many call a "10 day jump-start" of fruits and vegetables only (both raw and cooked and fermented) to "re-set" the gut. Not advocating a vegetarian diet, but again, giving the gut a rest while it heals. As you return to eating other foods after the 10 days, you may notice (if you add back different foods gradually) what agrees with your gut, and what does not.
I personally have learned that I have two "weak" MTHFR genes, in a genetic test performed by my Functional Dr. Notice I did not say defective. In this day and age of pesticides, GMO, and other pollutants and foreign agents that enter into our food and water, I have what Dr. Ben Lynch described as "Dirty Genes" (in his book with the same title). I must take special care to eat "clean". (More of the veggies, less of the sausages, cold cuts, processed food and GMO grains). Page 119 of Dr. Ben Lynch book on dirty genes discusses hives in connection with a dirty DAO gene.
All of the above is not easy, and my busy lifestyle of a working mother, grandmother, highly active volunteer, living on the farm, does not lend itself to indulging in hours of pampering of self, nor planning macrobiotic meals. So, I may never be fully healed. I may have to settle for feeling good for a greater percentage of the time. What I do know and have experienced is that it is possible! It has been years since I experienced really bad hives (which are scary), and looking back, it was in conjunction with what was most probably some other disease associated with a tick bite. So, Hashimoto's in combination with any virus / bacteria / fungal type infection stacks up to a body that screams in a "hive" way, "do something".
Why do more women than men suffer from Hashimoto's? Why does the percentage (some estimates are that a much as 40% of women worldwide suffer from some form of autoimmune disease (fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue) of those who suffer with Hashimoto's increase every year? Why is it that main stream Dr.s do not understand Hashimoto's, nor seem to care about learning? (including endocrinologists!) The answers to these questions and similar are elusive at best, criminal at worst. That is why we must treat and educate ourselves with diet, lifestyle modification, vitamins and herbs.
Read, read, read everything you can get your hands on as to restoring gut health. Find a functional Dr. Share what works for you - please.


Having a diagnosis of Hashimoto's, one then must begin on a great education. This site is one of many that offer those who share what they have learned about living very successfully with the disease, some even claim that they have "cured" or greatly reduced all symptoms. Until you do learn by trial and error what works for you, It is highly encouraged that you do take the Synthroid (T4) if it works for you, or the many (T3 T4) natural combination medications, like Armour Thyroid, or NatureThroid.
One of the many things that you will learn about is "gut health". In my 30 year battle to regain health and quite a measure of normalcy with Hashimoto's, gut health is always there at the center. Adding natural gut fauna and flora to the digestive tract is one way to nurture the gut. Learn to make your own saurekraut, or kimchi, or any one of a number of other naturally fermented foods and eat at least 1/2 cup of these things daily. Kombucha Tea is another fermented drink that has now become quite available to buy at everyday big grocery stores (that have an "organic" / health food isle). One doctor told me that if you buy saurekraut, do not buy it in plastic or tin, but only in glass (apparently the plastic and tin bring bad things that outweigh the good of good bacteria). Staying away from antibiotics, alcohol, gluten, dairy, and the list goes on is another way to protect "good" gut bacteria that can be destroyed by these things / cause hives. My son gave me a gift of a "canning jar" type fermentation kit that came with a bunch of recipes. Cabbage and salt and time (as in 21 days) are the 3 main ingredients for home-made saurekraut. Functional Dr.s are the best type of Dr. to help you win the battle with Hashimoto's. They treat the person, and yes, use blood tests, etc. but they also listen when the patient says, "I feel worse" or "I feel better". I've come to know that hormones (thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and more) also play a big part in healing. Vitamin D3, selenium, methylated B Vitamins, and Vitamin E are essential in returning to health. Even if you do not suffer from indigestion, consider adding digestive enzymes to a daily vitamin regime. Remember, the disease is centered in the gut. Consider what many call a "10 day jump-start" of fruits and vegetables only (both raw and cooked and fermented) to "re-set" the gut. Not advocating a vegetarian diet, but again, giving the gut a rest while it heals. As you return to eating other foods after the 10 days, you may notice (if you add back different foods gradually) what agrees with your gut, and what does not.
I personally have learned that I have two "weak" MTHFR genes, in a genetic test performed by my Functional Dr. Notice I did not say defective. In this day and age of pesticides, GMO, and other pollutants and foreign agents that enter into our food and water, I have what Dr. Ben Lynch described as "Dirty Genes" (in his book with the same title). I must take special care to eat "clean". (More of the veggies, less of the sausages, cold cuts, processed food and GMO grains). Page 119 of Dr. Ben Lynch book on dirty genes discusses hives in connection with a dirty DAO gene.
All of the above is not easy, and my busy lifestyle of a working mother, grandmother, highly active volunteer, living on the farm, does not lend itself to indulging in hours of pampering of self, nor planning macrobiotic meals. So, I may never be fully healed. I may have to settle for feeling good for a greater percentage of the time. What I do know and have experienced is that it is possible! It has been years since I experienced really bad hives (which are scary), and looking back, it was in conjunction with what was most probably some other disease associated with a tick bite. So, Hashimoto's in combination with any virus / bacteria / fungal type infection stacks up to a body that screams in a "hive" way, "do something".
Why do more women than men suffer from Hashimoto's? Why does the percentage (some estimates are that a much as 40% of women worldwide suffer from some form of autoimmune disease (fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue) of those who suffer with Hashimoto's increase every year? Why is it that main stream Dr.s do not understand Hashimoto's, nor seem to care about learning? (including endocrinologists!) The answers to these questions and similar are elusive at best, criminal at worst. That is why we must treat and educate ourselves with diet, lifestyle modification, vitamins and herbs.
Read, read, read everything you can get your hands on as to restoring gut health. Find a functional Dr. Share what works for you - please.

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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your long and hope filled story. I'm currently battling a major battle of hives. I'm nearing the 3 month mark and luckily, I take action on my health when something is weird, so I hope I don't join the "i've had this for multiple years" club. UGH!

I found a doctor in my town who is a combination Function/western medicine doctor. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to start boosting my savings account in order to regularly see a functional medicine doctor. I'm going the route of blood panels and so far tall that's come up is I'm vitamin D3 deficient. They're doing some urine tests to see if I have anything else going on. I'm trying to trust the process, but I'm growing impatient

What did you go through to get your Hashimoto's diagnosed? I've visited my endocriniologist 3 times in the last 6 months, but my T3 and T4 are testing normal. I'm worried they're not doing enough to check for it. All they've done is touched my thorat with their fingers to see if it was enlarged?


Almost everyone is Vit D3 deficient today, and that is certainly true for those of us with Auto-immune disorders. (Hashimoto's, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, etc. all the new diseases are really different manifestations of autoimmunity, most like brought on by antibiotic use, poor diet, pesticides, pollution, etc.) Most endocrinologists test for thyroid problems by measuring not only T3 and T4, but TSH (thyroid sending hormone). Those are blood tests that almost never prove anything conclusively. What finally tipped the scales for me, was a urinalysis testing for "antibodies" in the urine. They were there and "bingo" - you have Hashimoto's. (They had me collect urine for a week! - but that was 20 years ago) Yes, they touched my throat (searching for a goiter) and never found anything. There are so many women (especially) who tell and re-tell this same story over the decades. That of testing the blood and being told nothing is wrong. In Europe the Dr.s go strictly by TSH - if it's over 10 you are given Synthroid / Levothyroxine. (Incidentally, a site name "HealthUnlocked" is a great social media type site to share what works with people from all over the world!). In reality, you are very sick at 3 or 4 TSH. (That was my "borderline" diagnosis). I have had TSH as high as 40 and in the ER with "malignant hypertension". The thyroid is a serious thing to leave untreated if it becomes diseased. On the bright side, there are many ways to treat such diseases, if only one can find a Dr. that will listen, and not just look at blood tests. Eating clean helps. Healing the gut helps, Cleansing the liver helps. Oil of oregano helps. Olive Leaf Extract helps. Vitamin C, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamine E. Do you have any signs of hair loss (eye brows, lashes?), achy joints, dry skin?


Okay I need some help I've been sick since January of 2005 I have had hives everyday some days are worse than others are the palms of my hands so I've out and swell up my face was as you can see in the picture my whole body will swell and be covered in hives I've had this for 14 years all my blood work comes back normal my father has lupus but my ANA just keeps coming back to normal my T3 or T4 I don't remember which was high one time I've been all over my state which is Missouri and nobody knows anything oh yeah and if I take steroids or antihistamines have any kind I have out worse it just makes me sicker there has to be something somewhere or something causing this if anybody has any kind of information please

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Hi @shannalee3, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm sorry you've had to deal with the hives for so long without any treatment that helps. I'm tagging our moderator @kanaazpereira to see if we should move your post to the following discussion on hives that is more active and will give your post more visibility.

Groups > Skin Health > Horrible Hives
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/horrible-hives/

In the meantime, here is some information from Mayo Clinic on chronic hives that may be helpful.

Chronic hives - Symptoms & causes - Diagnosis & treatment
-- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chronic-hives/symptoms-causes/syc-20352719

I’m not sure if it is an option for you but if it is, the Mayo Clinic is very good at diagnosing health issues that are difficult to diagnose. If you would like to seek help from Mayo Clinic, you can contact one of their appointment offices. The contact information for Minnesota, Arizona and Florida can be found here:

Mayo Clinic Contact Information: https://www.mayoclinic.org/appointments

Have you found anything that helps?


Okay I need some help I've been sick since January of 2005 I have had hives everyday some days are worse than others are the palms of my hands so I've out and swell up my face was as you can see in the picture my whole body will swell and be covered in hives I've had this for 14 years all my blood work comes back normal my father has lupus but my ANA just keeps coming back to normal my T3 or T4 I don't remember which was high one time I've been all over my state which is Missouri and nobody knows anything oh yeah and if I take steroids or antihistamines have any kind I have out worse it just makes me sicker there has to be something somewhere or something causing this if anybody has any kind of information please

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