Aredia for bones

Posted by Ryman @ryman, Feb 16, 2017

Does anyone take Aredia for osteoporosis? I have been taking it for several years by IV and I know it is helping. My PC wants to replace it with something else. If anyone is taking it, how long and have you had any problems with it? Thanks. I am new here and just looking for answers as I am having a number of symptoms.

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Oops. Sorry about that title. My IPad does weird things. It should be Aredia for bones.


Oops. Sorry about that title. My IPad does weird things. It should be Aredia for bones.

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No problem @ryman. I updated the title to what you meant it to be.


Hello @ryman, I'm glad you reached out to the Connect community. I would like to introduce you to @gailfaith and @robbi who have both discussed having osteoporosis. While we are waiting for them to respond can you tell us what symptoms you are having? Has your PCM advised what medicine he feels would work better for you?


Hi @ryman, glad to see you back. I'm interested in your experience for a couple of reasons: First, my wife took alendronate (Fosomax) for nearly 10 years, but her doctor took her off that drug two years ago because of research showing that long-term use of bisphosphonates (for more than 5 years) presents unnecessary risks. Second, Aredia is a bisphosphonate, a class of drugs known for slowing or preventing the loss of bone mass (see but not for rebuilding bones damaged by osteopenia and osteoporosis. She is now taking no such medication, only limited calcium supplements, subject to regular lab tests for calcium and parathyroid gland performance; she no longer presents the kind of bone densities that led to an initial diagnosis of osteoporosis and a later update of osteopenia. That's why I'm interested in the questions raised by @sandytoes14 and 2 other questions: How long have you been taking Aredia? What do your tests show about how well the Aredia is working? Your experience certainly is meaningful for the many Connect members interested in this subject. Thanks for any information you can lend us for our use in making good decisions.


She suggested Prolia but my insurance would not cover it and it is very expensive. I am not sure why she wanted to change. She had just taken me on as a patient and was going over my meds. I have had dizziness, weakness, nausea, blurred vision and headaches. She is presently looking at kidney disease. So I was wondering if Aredia could affect the kidneys. Thank you.


Hi @ryman, glad to see you back. I'm interested in your experience for a couple of reasons: First, my wife took alendronate (Fosomax) for nearly 10 years, but her doctor took her off that drug two years ago because of research showing that long-term use of bisphosphonates (for more than 5 years) presents unnecessary risks. Second, Aredia is a bisphosphonate, a class of drugs known for slowing or preventing the loss of bone mass (see but not for rebuilding bones damaged by osteopenia and osteoporosis. She is now taking no such medication, only limited calcium supplements, subject to regular lab tests for calcium and parathyroid gland performance; she no longer presents the kind of bone densities that led to an initial diagnosis of osteoporosis and a later update of osteopenia. That's why I'm interested in the questions raised by @sandytoes14 and 2 other questions: How long have you been taking Aredia? What do your tests show about how well the Aredia is working? Your experience certainly is meaningful for the many Connect members interested in this subject. Thanks for any information you can lend us for our use in making good decisions.

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Thank you. I have been on Aredia for at least five years and have had concerns about it. But my tests have shown good improvement. I cannot do another test till June. I had a broken hip, crushed neck disc and crushed vertibrae. Recently I have had two falls that should have caused broken bones but did not. I will see my pc on the 28th and plan to discuss this with her. I take calcium and Vitamin D. I hope my experiences can help others. Sometimes it is hard to find the info we need to make good decisions. I am dealing with so many things, it is hard to know what causes what symptom and how it is all related.


Hello @ryman, I'm glad you reached out to the Connect community. I would like to introduce you to @gailfaith and @robbi who have both discussed having osteoporosis. While we are waiting for them to respond can you tell us what symptoms you are having? Has your PCM advised what medicine he feels would work better for you?

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Hi ryman, yes I sent some info to someone on Connect re osteoporosis and eating 6-10 prunes a day as that may help the bones recover to come degree. A study was conducted and it gave indication that prunes might be effective again osteo. I think it was to sandytoes to whom I sent what info I had. Best of luck with your issues. @ gailfaith


Hello @ryman, I'm glad you reached out to the Connect community. I would like to introduce you to @gailfaith and @robbi who have both discussed having osteoporosis. While we are waiting for them to respond can you tell us what symptoms you are having? Has your PCM advised what medicine he feels would work better for you?

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Hi. I think I will try the prunes. I need them anyway for another problem. Thank you


Hello @ryman, I'm glad you reached out to the Connect community. I would like to introduce you to @gailfaith and @robbi who have both discussed having osteoporosis. While we are waiting for them to respond can you tell us what symptoms you are having? Has your PCM advised what medicine he feels would work better for you?

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Hi ryman.......Every time I tell someone about using prunes for osteoporosis, I get a shy smile from them. But in any case we know it is standard a solution for things other than osteo. And with no adverse side effects and cheaper than most Rx.

I have been eating prunes now for several weeks and I also do a lot of walking which also helps osteoporosis as I have a form of muscular dystrophy. I will be having a Dexa scan later this year, and I will post if there is any improvement. However, because of my walking we won't be sure what causes, if any, improvement is noted. It was only two years ago that they Dx was changed from osteopenia to osteoporosis so hopefully some change for the better will be seen. In other words it doesn't have to revert back TOO far to change the Dx!. So I guess I am saying, I for one am being a guinea-pig for this unofficial "study". Hopefully if anyone acquires any personal info on the benefits of prunes on osteo, they will also report it. Are we circumventing Big Pharma in our "own" study?

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