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Hello John, thank you for your reply and suggestions. I will be going to see my GP soon and will mention as you suggested. What I would also like to know is, how often should you have blood tests to see how the inflammation in your body is?

The Doctor warned me about the Giant Cell association with this condition and although I do not have eye problems or pain in my temple, I have had a very sore scalp since dropping my meds. Does anyone know if this is a symptom?

I also tried treatment with acupuncture and herbal tea which did help but ended up not able to carry on with this due to the costs, this may be something that works with others as well so just thought I would mention this. I try not to drink coffee with sugar but hot water with fresh ginger sliced into it (Ginger root promotes healthy digestion, helps boosts immunity (antioxidants that boosts immunity and helps fight off infections), aids in cardiovascular health and relieves pain (preventing prostaglandins from setting off an inflammatory response in the body.) Cinnamon also can assist with this.

Myself I dislike taking medication and try my best to heal with what nature has provided, although in this case I understand that there is a place for some medication. I also have hypothyroid which makes me quite tired and a fatty liver, so am concerned with taking the Prednisone as I would suspect that this would give your liver a bit of a trouble.

Although I know that exercise is important I find it very difficult to motivate myself at the moment to get out there and get walking. I work at a desk 2 days a week and have very little movement during that time, the rest of the week I have the good intentions but have got to the point where I do not want to go out as I feel so yuk about myself with the bloated face and the extra pounds...I dont want to have this poor me feeling but find it hard to pull myself out of the dark sometimes with this. Is depression part of the condition or a side effect of the Prednisone, I am normally a very positive person with a can do attitude but am floundering with this.

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Replies to "Hello John, thank you for your reply and suggestions. I will be going to see my..."

Hi @lindapc, you ask a good question which I would probably ask your GP when you see them. Mayo Clinic has some information on the Sed rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) test here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/sed-rate/about/pac-20384797. My primary care doctor normally schedules the test for me if he suspects my PMR might be coming back or to check to see where my treatment is at (I think).

I have been taking liquid turmeric (orange flavored ☺) to hopefully help reduce inflammation and I think it's helping. It's much better than the way I used to take it - organic turmeric powder mixed in a smoothie which made me not look forward to a breakfast smoothie. I recently started drinking ginger-turmeric tea recommended by another member @lioness which I get from Trader Joe's Market. It's not too bad and fairly inexpensive.

If you ever need some positive pick-me-up feelings, check out the videos on https://www.resilientoption.com/. The VLOG page has some great short videos.

@lindapc - I have had GCA and tapered off the Prednisone in October. I did have some soreness in the scalp before being diagnosed but it was just one spot that was a little swollen and the swelling moved down over a few weeks to the area next to my hairline. I was surprised you said you were so tired from being Hypothyroid. I am on Synthroid and the medication took all of my tiredness away. What medication are you taking? I would say that I was a little depressed on the Prednisone but more from just having the GCA and gaining weight. I have never had PMR. As far as the Sed Rate is concerned, I had a blood test done every 3 months for the GCA.