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The Black Cloud

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Jan 23, 2017 | Replies (3)

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Interesting post! I say that because our son is asking us to do the same thing. He lives alone but has a busy schedule which includes friends acquired over the past ten or so years. And is 300 miles away in a large metro area. We live in a small town with a significantly lower cost of living. Finances will be tight even in a senior community

Down sizing is very depressing especially leaving a larger home for 25 to 30% smaller area apartment. Leaving supports for unknown. Your description of a "Black Cloud" covers our thoughts. We are seniors in our late seventies to mid eighties.

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Replies to "Interesting post! I say that because our son is asking us to do the same thing...."

Thank you so much for writing ... yes, it's been very hard for me to move down here. Truth be known, I'd rather be back in my cozy condo in MD. Everything was there that was part of my support system. I love my girls, who both live in this area, and I love being with them, so it sounds hard-nosed to say I wish I were back in my condo in MD. This probably sounds strange, but when our parents were getting older, we (my then husband and I) went to them to visit, or help them. My Dad has Alzheimers and I went up every weekend - a 5 hour drive - to see that he was taken care of well. That's just what younger folks did back then. Seems the tables have turned and now we have to go to them .... no matter how difficult the transition. Then throw the cyclothymia into the mix, and it makes for a very sad, unhappy, life. They don't want to hear it. I'm sorry I'm so gloomy, but do think this over carefully ..... whether you really want to make that change or if you feel you're being pressured into it. Bless you my friend and please keep in touch.