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Oral cancer and Severe oral dysplasia

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Aug 8, 2018 | Replies (43)

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Elizabeth, I have been thinking about this. I often refer to the Oral Cancer Foundation website where they have some information on this topic. They mention "chemoprevention" which seems to involve taking antioxidants. "If the size of the lesion, its location, or the medical status of the patient would make surgical removal difficult, use of antioxidant supplements should be considered as “chemoprevention” to try to prevent
progression to carcinoma. Beta-carotene and the retinoids are the most commonly used antioxidant supplements for chemoprevention of oral cancer. (25) However, although antioxidant supplements have shown promise, they have an uncertain success rate and no long-term results." This was a page about dysplasia and leukoplakia. Has you doctor recommended this sort of treatment? Wishing you well.

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Replies to "Elizabeth, I have been thinking about this. I often refer to the Oral Cancer Foundation website..."

Here is the link to the Oral Cancer Foundation article to which @alpaca refers:
- Premalignant Lesions http://oralcancerfoundation.org/cdc/premalignant-lesions/
See the section subtitled "Chemoprevention"

I have gotten myself so stressed out about my condition. For about 6-8 month I have had a rough white tongue and small (they feel like my tongue itself) tenticles when I scrap my tongue with my teeth. come off. I have been to an ent and he did a swab two in fact put that awful tube down both my nostrils and found nothing. Everyone including my family doctor thinks its coming from the stress in my stomach. You see our house burned to the ground a couple of years back and it was such a shock I can't seem to get over it. It was at this time (about a month later) that I started with this tongue problem. I don't know what to do.Even went to my dentist and he said just get a tongue scrubber and scrub your tongue as many times during the day but it hasn't fixed the problem.
Is there any advise you can give me? Waiting on your reply and thanking you in advance
God Bless you


I had the same white tenticle on my tongue a few months ago. I am "always" stress out about many things in my life. I went to a oral surgeon and he revoked it it, and sent to the lab. It came back negative , no problem. I fear it was mostly due to my "high" stress levels. Since then, I tried hard to do other things to let go, of my undue stress, and try keep my fears, under control. Good luck, hope this helps you. Your mind-set, can really cause many health problems.

I pushed myself to the limit. I mean the limit to salvage my family and hoe, by the grace of
God the house was salvage, but what a price, wouldn't do it again. Let it all fly

Thank you so much for your advise. So many wonderful people have replied to my emails and you all have taught me a lot. This stress thing runs in my family mysister has it my cousins have it and my dear granny had it. It something you have to deal with on a daily basis. I have started walking in the mornings for about 30 mins. at a time and I speak to my Lord and ask for his guidance sometimes I keep seem to find it but yesterday was a truly awful day for me and some how He got me through it with the help of my husband.<br>So today is a new day and I feel good.<br>God Bless you and ask for his help he is there whenever you need it.<br>Patti<br>---- Mayo Clinic Connect wrote: <br><br>

Interesting to read your post Patti. I walk nearly everyday too and find it helps a lot. I've entered a local walk to raise money for the Cancer Society so have to keep up my walking to get fit for it. One of the best things I have done since my treatment nearly 3 years ago! I find inspiration from observing nature and trying to appreciate what is good in the world. I agree that taking life one day at a time can be a benefit too.

I have so many allergies I can't walk outside or inside, I use to love to walk.
I guess if I lived near some salt air I could walk, so much mold and undergrowth
in Central Virginia unless it is frozen over.

That is such a pity. Sorry you can't walk outside.

ENT just wants to cut all the severe dysplasia out. I am scheduled to see an oral
surgeon in another state. I am uncertain, he is 74 and has good credentials, it is a 5 hour
train ride staying in a hotel and finding transportation for a 30 minute ride above Baltimore.
He doesn't take Medicare, does biopsy in his office and one thing for sure
"Ladicaine does not numb the tongue or tissue under the tongue for cutting" that is a fact.

@elizabethbryant You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Liz. Do you have an appointment date now? Teresa