← Return to Meningioma, Grade 2 - Alternative treatments to stop growth?

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Welcome to Connect, @07ram.
I see that you already connect with @pegorr on another discussion. I'd like to introduce you to additional members who have meningiomas, although I'm not sure what grade they have. Please meet @55soon @user_che69bc66 @kimf @lindajean and @debb2010.

07ram - you ask about alternatives therapies. Alternative therapies can be defined as treatments people use INSTEAD of conventional medical treatments. Complementary therapies or integrative therapies are treatments used along with conventional medical treatments, such as radiation, surgery etc. According to this Mayo Clinic article http://mayocl.in/2k10GYs "Little research has been done on complementary and alternative brain tumor treatments. No alternative treatments have been proved to cure brain tumors. However, complementary treatments may help you cope with your brain tumor and its treatment. Talk to your doctor about your options. Some complementary treatments that may help you cope include:
Music therapy
Relaxation exercises"

Here is a research article from 2008 "Use of complementary and alternative medical therapy by patients with primary brain tumors" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18541122 which indicates the need for further research.

Have you explored complementary therapies or lifestyle changes that help you?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect, @07ram. I see that you already connect with @pegorr on another discussion. I'd..."

Miss Young, I have not explored complementary therapies. Thanks for responding<br>________________________________________<br>