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Managing Lifelong Mental Health as a Senior

Mental Health | Last Active: Oct 23, 2023 | Replies (499)

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My service dog is with me every Sunday at church, and many people know she's a psychiatric service dog. I've never felt any hostility or negativity. The church I used to go to were very accepting, and were really sad when we changed to another church. The only reason we left was that the pastor didn't believe in psychology or psychiatry, and made me feel wrongly judged. I think the church is growing up in its misperceptions of mental illness. I am a retired minister, and have felt the stigma firsthand. It's unfortunate, because that's certainly not what Jesus modeled.

I just changed my profile picture to a colored pencil drawing made of my previous service dog, Barnabas, who died a year ago.


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Ron Hubbard started out as a science fiction writer. Even his fellow science fiction writers wonder why he would make up his own religion.

Jmhd, just read your post and family genetics and depression. And thoughts of suicide. Well, i am with you on this. Runs wild in all my family and two of my children. I guess i would call myself "passive suicidal ideations". I have had so many years of therapy and it did help. It sounds like a good idea to maybe get on that today, if you feel up to it. I am praying for you, as we all are.