← Return to High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

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Hey Bluesdoc. I have read that your CAC score will naturally increase average of 20% per year. So perhaps those treatments were responsible for your zero increase?

It’s been a year for you, anything new? I had a CAC score in March of 725. Sent me for a nuclear stress test. Passed easily. No symptoms, play high level tennis, did the scan out of curiosity. Good cholesterol. Now on a statin, baby aspirin. Changed my diet to Mediterranean in March, now scanning the web for answers. How can I feel this good, work out with zero symptoms?

Now taking aged Garlic, Vit K2, fish oil, magnesium. My daughter, a nurse and nutrition nerd, says forget all the supplements, let your liver rest, and just be strict with the Mediterranean non inflammatory diet and relax. I am 65.

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Replies to "Hey Bluesdoc. I have read that your CAC score will naturally increase average of 20% per..."

I'm not going to keep checking it. It's so high, and calcification isn't generally something that goes away in any tissue, I'm just resigned to it. But I'm guessing that it's not intimal, ie, it does NOT represent atheroma load. I, like you, have normal treadmill and perfusion studies. My horrendous allergy to contrast dye makes an elective angio out of the question. But we could have 60% lesions with no substantial flow deficit, so we'd seem fine WITH coronary artery disease. If that's the case, our best shot at dodging the reaper is to prevent further atheroma formation with exactly what we're doing. I'm not sure more exercise will prevent anything as I've been an exerciser - runner/strength, etc - all my adult life, and here we are. In my case, and you can't really use this for any sort of comparison, I have extremely high antibody levels to two species of Bartonella, a nasty bug that attacks endothelium (part of my Lyme plague). Inflammation there might very well be the stimulus for calcification. That whole facet of my medical story is not for here.... but, I'm working on it. Onward~~~~~~~>>. jon

btw, pcs - statins rarely do liver damage and when detected by regular lab monitoring, can often be mitigated by dose or type of statin change. In my case, I DID get liver and muscle injury from lipitor but NOT from Livalo. Details...... As always, choose your genes wisely and try not to age...... 🥴