← Return to High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

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@bigbern I'm also a part of our illustrious group with my 2316 score and was put on 20 mg of Lipitor and a baby aspirin. After reading research on the aspiring I opted to eliminate that. But I must say the Lipitor has done some remarkable things to my lipid profile blood tests. My wife has been on supplements for her ovarian cancer while at the same time doing the medical care things she should be doing. And she is now cancer free - in remission. So is her success from what the medical doctors are doing or what she's getting from the holistic doc? Impossible to say but as long as she's doing well no reason to stop. anyway - I started with him as well and here's what I'm taking: CoQ10 (Jarrow brand) he recommends 100 mg of it for every 10 mg of statin, K2 (Ultra K). magnesium buffered chelate, anthocyanins, something he calls Cardio 5 which he says works on multiple levels for vascular health, resting heart rate, etc..., and fish oil. I do not expect calcium scores to change one way or the other with these formulations but I do have some belief that they're helping in other ways.

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Replies to "@bigbern I'm also a part of our illustrious group with my 2316 score and was put..."

To NY Artist, thank you so much for your reply. I will effort to round up those items and incorporate into my day !so you really cut down the mg’s on your statins and your lipids look good. Maybe 80 is too much for me.i have had three cardiologist tell me that they don’t put a lot of credence into the CAC score , they say it doesn’t accurately define the true situation hard vs soft plaque etc. but yet they all want you to get the test. I don’t know. Scary. I try everyday to block it out lol. So happy to hear your wife is great ! Have a great weekend and thx again . Seriously. That. B.

@nyartist So glad all is well with your wife In 1996 I had a triple by pass due to clogged arteries I since then have taken a statin to get my cholesterol down.It will never come down So many people on here post about the hi calcium number Our Liver makes this for our body and mine also is hereditary so it has never been normal Ive been on all kinds of statins I also do holistic meds CoQ 10 magnesium I have fibromyalgia and other herbs, vitamis our body needs calcium but from food not supplement unless Dr tells you ,if your lab is good on it you f need to take a supplement.Sorry for long story