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Hello chip. Wish my score was 510 instead of 2500. Iam 75 years old and have been on satins for 10 years. Hdl is 78,ldl is 72 and tri is 60. Had all test,necular stress test scored 13 Mets,which means I performed equal to a 24 year old. Even with this high score,my blood flow in the three main arteries is 91%,87% and 87%. My heart function is 68%, which is very good for a 75 year old man. My doctor says that my performance is credited to my active lifestyle. I go to gym everyday for about 90 minutes of strenuous exercise. I never stop for the entire time there,either doing aerobics or weights. I no longer eat red meat,fried foods so very few sweets. Doc says my arteries have expanded to keep blood flow pumping. I average 22,000 steps a day on my Fitbit,which is about 12 miles. Hope this helps,I feel exercise is key. Good luck.

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Replies to "Hello chip. Wish my score was 510 instead of 2500. Iam 75 years old and have..."

@ochip what testing was done to show blood flow in the arteries? That's what I'm trying to get my cardiologist to set up for me but she says as long as I've never had symptoms she sees no reason. I'm like you: 2316 score but have been exercising all my life, mountaineering, bicycling in the Rockies - the gym the whole enchilada so to speak. As soon as I got my score I wrote a good bye letter to my wife thinking that the end is nigh.. But I don't feel that way anymore.

@botexas. I have to assume that based on what I'm reading from others, mine will be up around 2500 when I'm 75 as well, even if doing everything right. It's great what you're doing. Keep that up but be careful not to injure yourself. That can set you back a bit.
On another note, Had dinner with my father-in-law the other day. He was told he had 95% blockage in one of his arteries about 20 years ago. He was always thin, plays tennis 4 times a week, and he thought he ate well. He decided back then to go totally no fat and for years kept his total daily fat intake to less than 20 grams. He did it for years. When he ended up at the hot dog stand he would order the hot dog with the works, w/o the hot dog, or when the pizza came, he would take the cheese off. Extremely committed. His doctor was shocked to see that he actually reduced his blockage after a couple years. As of today, he still takes a relatively low dose statin, but still plays tennis 4 times a week, still works on his feet as a land surveyer, plays drums in a band, sails his boat, takes classes on just about everything, probably puts 20,000 miles on his van a year, going from one thing to another (still a very good driver), and still as sharp as a tack. One thing he does not do, is sit in front of the TV for any length of time.. By the way...he just turned 94.