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Hello. New to group. 58 year old male. My primary Dr. had me take the CT heart scan because my cholesterol was high. Actually my bad was high but my good and triglycerides were very good. In other words, my ratios were excellent. I do eat a lot of dairy up till two days ago. Other than that, I eat pretty well. I've worked out most of my life and keep my weight and waist at high school levels. I'm 5'9" and weigh 157. Father had heart issues including two valve transplants and passed away at 75 when we believe a stent may have dislodged a few days after surgery. Expected to see a score of 0, but shocked to see a score of 510. Also, according to Dr. most of the calcium is in the artery they call the window maker and I've been advised to get a nuclear stress test to pin point it. I went on 10mg of Crestor and a baby aspirin yesterday. Something I said I would never do.
What I'm reading here that is very concerning is that everyone seems to be saying the same thing. That even though they are doing everything possible including exercise (which, by the way, most people in this country rarely do) , diet and statins, it's not changing anything with regard to the calcium score. In fact, it almost seems the opposite. All the scores seemed to have only increased doing the right thing. Has anyone had any positive results at all from the treatment and lifestyle changes? Has anyone actually seen there score at least stay the same? Like everyone else, I feel like a walking time bomb. One more note, blood pressure 105/77. EKG always fine. No symptoms at all. Thanks for your anticipated input.

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Replies to "Hello. New to group. 58 year old male. My primary Dr. had me take the CT..."

hi @ochip

All of the lifestyle changes and meds are meant to reduce your risks of having a cardiac event, they have no bearing on lowering the calcium score. Actually once you are diagnosed with CAD due to a high calcium score there is little merit in repeated CT tests. Just as important as your total score is where you are in percentile for your age group. Just concentrate on controlling the factors that are within your power and be vigilant.

Hello chip. Wish my score was 510 instead of 2500. Iam 75 years old and have been on satins for 10 years. Hdl is 78,ldl is 72 and tri is 60. Had all test,necular stress test scored 13 Mets,which means I performed equal to a 24 year old. Even with this high score,my blood flow in the three main arteries is 91%,87% and 87%. My heart function is 68%, which is very good for a 75 year old man. My doctor says that my performance is credited to my active lifestyle. I go to gym everyday for about 90 minutes of strenuous exercise. I never stop for the entire time there,either doing aerobics or weights. I no longer eat red meat,fried foods so very few sweets. Doc says my arteries have expanded to keep blood flow pumping. I average 22,000 steps a day on my Fitbit,which is about 12 miles. Hope this helps,I feel exercise is key. Good luck.

For some people their calcium score actually increases due to the statins. This is explained by the fact that it's the calcium that is a stabilizing factor in plaque. It is the unstable plaque that can cause a sudden heart attack. There is still so much that is unknown about the complicated process of atherosclerosis.