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My first Calcium score was in 2004 at the age of 47 and it was high, 702. I opted to just watch what I eat and stay active and took the test again this year 2018 and my score is now 1740. I do well on echo stress tests, and have borderline cholesterol numbers and high triglicerides. My doctors both cardio and generalists want to put me on statin drugs. I am resisting because I see tenuous benefits at best from the statin studies I have read. Most of those studies seem to include baby aspirins which tends to confuse the studies. I do take a baby aspirin a day. The other reasons is the side effects of statins are high, when I've tried them I had muscle pains. My other reasons for is that I've seen two elderly relatives on high dosage of statins and they both subsequently developed type 2 diabetes. I've tried to do a lot of research on the topic of high calcium scores and the only thing I found that might be of interest to this population is K2 vitamin, the claim is that it takes calcium from the arteries back to the blood stream and to the bones where it belongs. I am very skeptical, so I brought it up to my cardiologist and he had heard of it and recommended I get on it. So now I am on K2 vitamins and baby aspirin. I might get on the statins if I can find compelling research on their benefits. I would be interested in any article references on statins impact on calcium score and of survival benefits of statins for people with high calcium score.
Thanks and best of health to all with high calcium scores...

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Replies to "My first Calcium score was in 2004 at the age of 47 and it was high,..."

@zino our numbers are not all that different. My cardiologist, when she saw my 2000+ score put me on 20 mg of Lipitor and a baby aspirin. I was ok with that until I spoke to the herbalist working with my wife who has ovarian cancer. She's been doing all the medical things prescribed by Memorial Sloan Kettering but he has her on an extensive program of herbs. Of course it's impossible to know if it's his herbs keeping her so healthy or just other factors. But as long as she's cancer free now we're sticking with his program. Well after talking to him and reading more research I decided to try what he was subscribing to me; anthocyanins, Cardio 5, CoQ10, Omega fish oils, Ultra K and Magnesium buffered chelate. He says Magnesium with the anthocyanins maintains elasticity in the arteries and keeps the from being brittle and developing clots. Omega 3 have some blood thinning effect and Cardio 5 works on multiple levels for vascular health, resting heart rate. He is stating that this kind of regimen can actually reduce the level of plaque in the arteries and there apparently is scientific evidence to support that.
Just read a study in Science Daily that is among the most encouraging things I have come across https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180419141523.htm They talk about doing a chemical adjustment to the CoQ10 and seeing arteries return to a healthier state. It's a must read. Anyway, I didn't like the idea of the baby aspirin being that some of the herbs I'm taking also have blood thinning properties. Eventually I believe I will no longer need the Lipitor. Medical doctors can't possibly know about all the developments in herb treatments. They just don't have the time or maybe even the motivation to study things outside their specialty. But before I started taking any of these supplements and researched the heck out of them.

My LAD is calicified.Survived Heart Attack in July 2011.Living Statin Free life.Suggest your consulting new Cardiologist.You May consider visiting India or UK .I can probably help if you wish.

I visit UK occasionally... What should I be looking for?