← Return to High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

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My score was 2400 and I continue to exercise 85 minutes of aggressive exercise every day. I scored 13 Mets on the treadmill. That is equivalent to a 25 year old and I am 75. The calcium score is just one benchmark in overall heart health. I believe exercise is key to better health but you need to discuss with your Doc before embarking on a strenuous exercise program. Good luck

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Replies to "My score was 2400 and I continue to exercise 85 minutes of aggressive exercise every day...."

hi @botexas We are so similar. I've been kicking butt on stress tests for years; backpacked all over the western US, 100 mile ride, boxing and sure as heck don't look my age. But the dang calcium score has put the fear of God in me. Just got back from the gym and the interesting thing is that since I got that score last week I've been going MORE to the gym and working out harder. My doc seems to think that my lifetime of physical exercise has protected me.