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Excessive mucus without cough

Lung Health | Last Active: Sep 7, 2022 | Replies (157)

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Thanks all for your quickly reactions.
Of course - I have prednison - based drugs - but it doesn't help. Drinking is also good - but it helps only a little little bit to make it more liquid, but my problem is not to get out the mucud - the problem is the quantity of it - and that it flows already without a ltttle break. I'm going crazy. I visited a lot of doctors, but nobody before heard something about copd/asthma without cough and with mucus in my quantity. So they don't know what they should do.
Regarding Mucinex 1200 - i will ask my wife - she's a pharmacist, But i think it's not available in germany - otherwise surely she told me - I tried all things whichever had a chance tp reduce the mucus.
That's the reason I asked about News of the US- research project regarding enzyme MAPK 13, which was starting in 2012. It seems that would be the only hope for me.

with friendly greetings from germany


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Replies to "Thanks all for your quickly reactions. Of course - I have prednison - based drugs -..."

Once again: my wife came in : Guaifenesin- based drugs like Mucinex are in germany available (for example "Fagusan").I already tried it - unfortunetaly without sucess.


I googled MPK 13 project and this is what I found: https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&source=hp&ei=ePVyXMWiGLLl_QakhZagDw&q=MAPK+13%2C+project&btnK=Google+Search&oq=MAPK+13%2C+project&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i160l2.363.3907..4352...0.0..0.186.1046.5j5......0....2j1..gws-wiz.....0..0i22i10i30.y0_g2KlC6jQ. I hope that this will help you. If you can't read enough of this ro make sense then maybe ask a friend to translate. I sent you the entire google page because I'm not sure what you need from it. Do you have google where you are?