Dosage for medical marijuana versus hydrocodone

Posted by jerseygirl926 @jerseygirl926, Dec 7, 2016

Hello. I was finally approved to purchased medical marijuana in New Jersey. It's very restrictive so info isn't as easy to get as it should be such as which dispensary carries which strains etc. Is anyone using medical marijuana to wean off pain pills such as hydrocodone? If so, can you share how often you smoke or vape? So far, NJ has not approved oils or edibles to be sold so I am stuck with vaping for now. Keeping an open mind and hopeful to get off or reduce pain meds and reduce inflammation. As always, thanks for any advice you can offer.

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Normally, the higher the level of THC the more pain control is seen. Vaping is instantaneous, but edibles are less psychogenic, so have less mental/cognitive side effects (less of head high). You can take the cannabis oil from the vape pen and use it as a base for cooking and making edibles if you desire.

I get medical MJ in NY, but they only offer a mix of indica and sativa, no choice of strains. I use a medium dose THC:CBD (7:1) vape pen and use as needed to take the edge off my pain. The only issue is cognitive side effect. Hard to get stuff done if you are "high" all day.

I never used opiates long term as they make me very irritable, and weren't too effective for my type of neurological pain. Friends I have that became addicted to opiates had good success with Nalaxone to get off the opioids period. It blocks the receptor so the opiates do not work.

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I found that a 50 50 blend of THC and CBD works well with a 100% THC for breakthrough pain I use the THC perhaps 1-2 times per week. I live in Minnesota.


Hello @jerseygirl926, thank you for starting a new discussion about medical marijuana. We have a large amount of members discussion marijuana on Connect across many conversations. A few members have specifically talked about New Jersey and the New York area, although no one has specifically mentioned marijuana versus hydrocodone this may be a good place to start the conversation.

I would like you to meet @medic7054, @tonyc55, @upnorthnancy, and @chefbrown who have all talked extensively about the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of chronic pain as well as other ailments.

@jerseygirl926, have you discussed weaning off of hydrocodone by using medical marijuana with your medical provider? Does he or she advise this as a viable option?

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"Why do you need to ask your provider if it is ok to wean off of hydrocodone?" First, self-medicating or self un-medicating is never a good idea! The provider must be in the loop as to what the patient is taking, how much, etc. Additionally it is high addictive and some patients may want to heed medical advice on this.


Hello @jerseygirl926, thank you for starting a new discussion about medical marijuana. We have a large amount of members discussion marijuana on Connect across many conversations. A few members have specifically talked about New Jersey and the New York area, although no one has specifically mentioned marijuana versus hydrocodone this may be a good place to start the conversation.

I would like you to meet @medic7054, @tonyc55, @upnorthnancy, and @chefbrown who have all talked extensively about the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of chronic pain as well as other ailments.

@jerseygirl926, have you discussed weaning off of hydrocodone by using medical marijuana with your medical provider? Does he or she advise this as a viable option?

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bobcon23, My primary assisted me in finding how/where to obtain MJ. He is not only my doctor, but a friend as well. I asked him why some doctors feel threatened by patients using MJ. He was surprised this even happens. When using MJ, I found I don't need to see my pain MD at all, nor do I need opioids. This is a win win situation.


Take vaping and 60%thc and 40%cbd and will get you off the opioids

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Remember, the results may vary depending on one's level of pain you start out with. I see no medical reason why you could not use both under a cooperative doctor's supervision. (this is coming from MY PM).

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