Collagen for osteoporosis?
My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.
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the type of collagen supplement matters! Search the Mayo site for "Fortibone for Osteoporosis", it's had the research done. Find a product that contains Fortibone.
I also would like to learn more about collagen supplements. Have any of you tried Bone Coach’s collagen?
I take Algaecal Plus and had good results with it but then I tested positive for autoimmune disease and started having reactive arthritis about every 6 months. I know that my bones have suffered because of this. I have an appointment in April for a DEXA so I will find out.
My pc doctor and rheumatologist both say no to collagen but I'm interested in the new collagen complete from Algaecal because I definitely won't do the Reclast that the doctor said he would recommend for me! That's why I take Algaecal because I wouldn't take Fossamax. He was OK with that after I had good results with it.
I take Algaecal Plus and I'm considering Algaecal Complete too. How long have you been taking it? I had good results with Algaecal and still take it but now have developed Reactive Arthritis and I know it's damaging by bones.
I'm interested in anyone with results from collagen.