Sudden loss of my daughter
My wonderful daughter just passed away in Hollywood Florida.
She was in the Hospital Thursday. (Memorial Hospital) She arrived by ambulance for a leg fracture. No food or water Friday or Saturday. Sunday she passed away right before the scheduled surgery. I am out of my mind with grief. She wanted to leave on Saturday, since she had no food or water....just a damp gauze and lost her voice. She recovered from cancer last year, was 90 lbs, but still driving and doing OK until she hurt her leg!
She has never been happy about Medical care in Florida, even though she loved the weather. Do you have an opinion about Medical help there?
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I'm glad that I could help a little. If you ever just want to talk I'm here.
I'll continue to remember you in my prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss. We live in North Florida and my daughter has end stage renal disease and various complications from meds and surgeries. Care here is not much better. You are in my prayers.
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Losing a child—no matter their age—is an unimaginable pain, one I sadly understand all too well, having lost my son nearly six years ago. The grief is overwhelming, and there are no words that can truly ease the heartbreak of losing someone so deeply loved.
Your daughter sounded like a strong and determined person, overcoming cancer and continuing to live independently. It must be devastating to know that she suffered and felt unheard in her final days. No one should ever experience neglect in medical care, and I can only imagine the frustration and sorrow you must feel. If you have concerns about what happened, you deserve answers and support in navigating this painful situation.
Please know you are not alone in your grief. The journey is incredibly difficult, but there are people who understand. The Compassionate Friends is a peer support group for those who have lost a child, and they have been a source of comfort for me and many grieving parents. Connecting with others who genuinely understand can sometimes help lighten the unbearable weight, even if just a little.
My heart is with you in this devastating time. Please be gentle with yourself and know that you are not alone.
Thank you!!! I have been emailing this night owl...a guy who was her computer help and had a key. There is no family for my daughter down there, but she had a very good friend across her street. My daughter traveled across the country training guys to become Jockeys. ( (I think mostly guys do that?) She starting riding about 4, and only lost her seat when the horse went under a tree branch and the branch knocked her off. Then later she stayed on this huge horse way too long while it was bucking...back injury!! She NEVER got thrown off a horse!...but that time she did get her back injured! Then she trained dogs and was super good at it!! It is after midnight and I know it will be a while to go to sleep! Thanks for the note. You can share this if you'd like!
Thanks for caring. She was the sweetest, most kind, (not ever had a fight with this one) daughter!
It's midnight here and I need to try to get some sleep...(I doubt it) Thanks again 🙁