Sudden loss of my daughter

Posted by fala @fala, Mar 18 10:09pm

My wonderful daughter just passed away in Hollywood Florida.
She was in the Hospital Thursday. (Memorial Hospital) She arrived by ambulance for a leg fracture. No food or water Friday or Saturday. Sunday she passed away right before the scheduled surgery. I am out of my mind with grief. She wanted to leave on Saturday, since she had no food or water....just a damp gauze and lost her voice. She recovered from cancer last year, was 90 lbs, but still driving and doing OK until she hurt her leg!
She has never been happy about Medical care in Florida, even though she loved the weather. Do you have an opinion about Medical help there?

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So sorry about your daughter. South Florida is extremely overcrowded- and in my opinion the Doctors are swamped with new patients and established patients have to wait sometimes 3 months to schedule. I was on actonel for osteoporosis (Not really bad readings) and I now have a swallowing disorder from the medication - I had to wait about 2 1/2 months to get a appointment for a barium swallowing test. I do have some very conscientious compassionate Doctors. Several people have found that it is the front desk reception that are not polite and respectful.


I am so very sorry that you have lost your daughter. I do not know anything about medical care in Florida but I want to extend my condolences.


I'm sorry for your loss of your beloved daughter.


@fala I just want to express my deep condolences on the death of your daughter. I’m sure she was very special to all those who knew her . And a tight hug for you.


I am so very sorry that you have lost your daughter. I do not know anything about medical care in Florida but I want to extend my condolences.

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Thank you for your kind words. I am like I have a disorder...I don't remember who called or what I said to them. Even my daughter in law called and I have O memory of her call.. ( I was asked a question by another family member)... OMG I am not handling this well at all. It means a lot to have kindness and meaningful responses from this site.
Thanks to everyone!


Hello @fala,

I would like to add my condolences to those from @bocabird, @becsbuddy and @edsutton. I also moved your discussion out of:

"Who cleans your house?"

and made it its own discussion: in the Loss & Grief support group,

@fala, in this extremely difficult time, do you have any friends or family you can rely on for support?


@fala My heart goes out to you, and you have lots of hugs from this group of caring people. My wife passed away 5 weeks ago. It was unexpected. I found family support to be important. I have no memory of the 3 days after her passing away. Things will feel upside down and memory is likely being affected. Please take care of yourself during this extremely difficult time. Grief is not easy, and it is important to express your feelings to others.


I'm so sorry about your daughter's death. I'm not familiar with medical care in Florida but it doesn't sound like they are doing things right. I know it's hard when a loved one dies but just remember your wonderful daughter is up in Heaven with God and Jesus and out of pain. You will be reunited with her eventually in God's time. You can count on that.

My husband died of lung cancer in July, 2024. I know he's also up in Heaven with God and Jesus and that we'll be together again just like you and your daughter. I know this for a fact because I saw my Mom after she died. I also saw my St. Bernard, Max after he died too.

Your forgetfulness etc. is a reaction to the shock that you are feeling over your daughter's death. You probably weren't prepared for this at all. Ask God for help at this time. Just talk to him like he's your best friend and he is! He will be there for you.

I will say a prayer for you also.


I am so very sorry that you have lost your daughter. I do not know anything about medical care in Florida but I want to extend my condolences.

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Thank you for your text.
This is a heart breaker, I need every kind word!


I'm so sorry about your daughter's death. I'm not familiar with medical care in Florida but it doesn't sound like they are doing things right. I know it's hard when a loved one dies but just remember your wonderful daughter is up in Heaven with God and Jesus and out of pain. You will be reunited with her eventually in God's time. You can count on that.

My husband died of lung cancer in July, 2024. I know he's also up in Heaven with God and Jesus and that we'll be together again just like you and your daughter. I know this for a fact because I saw my Mom after she died. I also saw my St. Bernard, Max after he died too.

Your forgetfulness etc. is a reaction to the shock that you are feeling over your daughter's death. You probably weren't prepared for this at all. Ask God for help at this time. Just talk to him like he's your best friend and he is! He will be there for you.

I will say a prayer for you also.

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Thank you for your lovely text message.

I need all the kindness I can get.

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