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Hi @dgordillo. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen an update from you. I remember last summer was a very stressful time for you with trying get your husband on board for pain meds, monitoring his blood sugar and possibly encouraging him to take his other medications. I hope, for both your sakes, that he was able to balance things out for his health and your peace of mind. Have there been any positive changes in his health?

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Replies to "Hi @dgordillo. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen an update from you. I..."

Hi Lori,

My husband went on hospice in September. They have been very good to him. He doesnt listen to me but will do what they tell him. He is in a lot of pain daily but still suffers because her doesnt want to take pain meds all the time. He still hasnt accepted he has little time left. He wont do blood work so we dont know how much his cancer has progressed. He still thinks he is going to get better.