Yes, scary. I’ve never heard of or read about white before but my retinal specialist did tell me the visual symptoms for TIAs vary greatly. What got my attention with your first post was saying you just had afib procedures. My TIAs all came at the end of 30 hours in afib except the last one was two weeks after. The ophthalmologist told me on that one it was a residual clot from the afib breaking loose. The others seemed to also be from a clot that formed during afib.
The first one I had I was walking in the kitchen and my vision suddenly became pixelated in both eyes like when they hide someone’s face on TV. It was so confusing and I thought I must be having a stroke. Stopped suddenly after about 30 seconds. A medical friend suspected a TIA because of my afib and insisted I go to the ER. They were crazy busy. I waited 3 hours and then was pulled into something like broom closet where the ER doc told me he was going to save me money, no CT scan, you’re fine, go home. 4 hours after the TIA, I was standing and suddenly just fell backwards like a tree in the forest. No warning, no dizziness, didn’t bend or try to catch myself. It was like someone flipped my off switch. Luckily I was close to the recliner and landed mostly on it so hard I almost broke it. I believe that was a second TIA. My neurologist thought ocular migraine but no explanation for the fall. But I’ve had 3 TIAs since and all different so I now believe the “ocular migraines” and fall were also TIAs. One TIA I was standing and talking to a neighbor and my left arm suddenly got heavy, numb and massive tingling and my hand turned bright red then stopped suddenly and hand was normal color again. My neighbor saw it change as I told her I was in afib and thought I might be about to have a stroke or heart attack. Scary. Nothing visual on that one. The 4th and 5th were in one eye only. One was like a large grayed out circle in one eye. I thought I was going blind in that eye — lasted 2 min in Costco. The other was a sudden purple blob in the middle of my vision while watching TV, one eye only. Nonstop for an hour, but I could still see it briefly right after blinking for another 12-24 hours. Retinal specialist told me they were both TIAs. I didn’t ask her about my first 3. I didn’t go to the ER for any others. Why bother?
All mine started suddenly and stopped suddenly except the purple blob. All felt very confusing. I’ve read TIAs start and stop suddenly and are brief. Ocular migraines (no pain just visual) come on slowly, go away slowly and last longer. I don’t think any were ocular migraines. Brain MRI and MRA were fine. Carotid fine. Everything heart was checked before the TIAs (because of afib) and fine. No vascular issues. I believe my TIAs were all caused by little clots from afib. TIAs don’t usually cause damage or show up on CT scans or MRIs unless taken during the TIA which is hard to do.
Your afib procedure makes me suspect it was related to that. Your episode did go away slowly which is more curious. I hope your doctor takes you seriously. I know my ophthalmologist would refer you for a full work up. Sorry this is so long.
Please keep us posted. How are you doing with the ablation and watchman?
Thank you for the reply. I have an appt with my dr this afternoon. Hopefully he can give me some idea of what is going on. A couple months ago, the left side of my face and arms went numb. That lasted about 20 minutes, was miles away from any dr. so didn't go to one. I have a constant pressure in my head which I have gotten no answers to. I sometimes wonder about ER doctors. When I went in, there was only on other person in ER and it took the dr an hour and a half to come into my room and suggested doing a CT which came back normal. After being in the ER for 4 hours she wanted me to stay overnight to have an MRI in the morning. When I told her I didn't want to stay and asked if the MRI could be schedules and I could come back in the morning since she didn't think it was an emergency. She became very offended and said she couldn't do that and my regular dr. would have to. I had another experience with staying in that hospital over night for more tests, never had one nurse come into my room all night so I thought why bother to stay again. I am doing well after my ablation and watchman. I also have a prolapsed mitro valve that is giving me problems now. I get tired walking from on room to another and have a fast heartbeat. I have a kardia mobile and keep track of my rate which put it at 108 bpm. I'm sure you understand how frustrating it is when you don't get any answers. I wish you well.