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DiscussionWhat I Learned From My Open Heart Surgery
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) | Last Active: 4 days ago | Replies (17)Comment receiving replies

Here are more thoughts to share about getting ready for a BIG surgery:
What I packed:
My surgery at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, was in July. Therefore my packing list would look differently than someone whose surgery is in the Winter or colder months.
A good choice, year-round, male or female, is loose fitting clothes, pants with elastic waist bands, like joggers or sweat pants, shirts that button up the front or are easy to slide on over your head. Your body is swollen after this surgery and it takes some time for those fluids from surgery and IVs to absorb. You will not be able to use your arms much at first, as it is important to keep the sternum quiet and still. It is vital to listen to your post op instructions about lifting and moving, because the sternum is like a fracture, and it needs time to heal. Over doing things can cause permanent, disfiguring healing to take place, and you don't want that! Now is not the time to prove how tough you are by lifting heavier than advised, scrubbing floors, hanging sheet rock. I've heard stories where people did not listen and they went back to work too early or did silly things and their sternums were permanently disfigured.
For women, I purchased some soft lounge bras in my regular size at TJ Maxx. The kind you can easily step into and pull up. You will not want underwire anywhere near your incision! Actually, you will not want anyone near your incision either! And you will have a hard time putting on and hooking a regular bra. Remember it's important to not be using your arms a whole lot for at least a couple of weeks. Your pain will be your guide. Listen to it.
Because it was Summer, I packed one pair of flip flops and one pair of leather mules. You will want shoes that are easy to slip on and off. The thought of bending over to put on shoes or tie them will be unappealing.
Keep in mind this is not a vacation, and you will most likely be in the hospital five or more days, so you will be wearing a one-size-fits-no-one hospital gown and hospital socks that feel like they are on upside down and on the wrong feet. But you know they aren't because the non-slip is supposedly the part that goes on the ground. They are unattractive and feel weird. And they make you wear them all the time.
In my case I had three days of pre-op testing. This meant I was taking off my top/bra and putting on a gown numerous times. For the chest X-Ray, the Cardiac MRI, and the pre-op Angiogram/Heart Cath. These occurred over the course of three days, as I said, so I packed two pairs of loose fitting linen pants, four tee shirts and a light sweater that I wore with everything. I threw in a couple of sundresses just for fun, because they were loose and flowy and felt good to wear. And I had extra room in my carryon. Why waste it. I didn't think I would be able to pull a dress or tee shirt over my head, but I was wrong, so even though I brought a button up shirt, I ended up turning to my comfy dresses and tee shirts routinely.
You will shower with special soap the night before and the morning of your planned surgery. They want you to be as clean as possible, and this will be your last opportunity to wash your hair for several days. I had a soft ponytail holder that kept my hair out of my face for the entire stay. At the end, you really don't care what you look like.
I packed my usual toiletry kit with lotion, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste etc. I brought my own hair products because I like them and know them.
Cellphone charger
Book/reading material
If I had an iPad I would have packed it as well.
Reading glasses
Before I Left Home:
The idea of a recliner was pitched to me by a fellow member, and numerous posts I read on Connect. My significant other purchased one at our local La-Z-Boy store. I called it the 'electric chair' because it came with an attached control that did a lot of different things. I can honestly say it was nice to have, but I totally could have gotten along without it too. A recliner with the side arm control you will not be able to operate by yourself. It's too difficult to reach with your restrictions. You'll need help cranking that baby back!
Mayo Clinic instructed me before my surgery that I would need to shower every day once discharged to home, and use only liquid soap and a fresh wash cloth. Great! Another excuse to go shopping! I got a ten-pack of soft wash cloths, washed them and had them ready to go for when I came home. I used Dr Bronner's peppermint soap because I love the smell and have used it for years. No lotions on your chest until it's healed.
I 'put my affairs in order' and made sure my Living Trust was all complete, correct and up-to-date. Not pleasant, but very adult.
I cleaned my house before I left, because it's an instinct deep inside, and part of my DNA. I didn't want to come home to dishes, dust or forgotten trash. I had clean sheets, clean bathrooms and all my laundry done.
I did not prepare and freeze food or anything. I could have, I just didn't have time. It snuck up on me.
Where We Stayed:
The first visit to Mayo Clinic, before I knew I was going to have open heart surgery, we stayed downtown at the Rochester Marriott. It was, like almost all hotels, easy walking distance to all the tests downtown at the Gonda/Main Mayo campus. We found Chester's and ate there every night. It's fantastic!
The second visit, for my open heart surgery, we stayed at the Courtyard Marriott, directly across from St. Mary's. It was super convenient for my guy to walk across the street to visit. And it was safe and clean, and had a BAR! And Starbucks! And like most people in Rochester...friendly staff.
The third visit, we stayed downtown at Hotel Indigo. It was five minutes walking (in the skyway) to the Mayo Clinic and had a fantastic restaurant, Crave. I still fanaticize about their chopped apple/chicken salad!
Getting around without a car is easy in Rochester. Free Mayo Shuttles take you here and there and everywhere on a convenient schedule.
My hope is this information answers questions you may have about Open Heart Surgery or any BIG surgery for that matter. I learned from experience, and shared a lot they don't tell you, so you can know before you go.
Like I said before, Don't worry, it's just open heart surgery!
Replies to "Here are more thoughts to share about getting ready for a BIG surgery: What I packed:..."
As you can see, Debra keeps her sense of humor up front and center, it's just open heart surgery! I was in Rochester only once - for preop tests and interviews Tuesday and Wednesday for surgery on Thursday. My home cardiologist took care of sending information before and I had no contact with Mayo after the first day post discharge. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express,0.2 from the door of St Mary's, free parking and breakfast. packed the same things as Debra, I wear bras only when needed, wore muumuus and did the same preop routine. I brought a book (fell asleep when reading), Sudokus, counted cross stitch project, phone and my MS Surface to play games and email. We played numerous games of backgammon, I kept dozing off. I had my legal papers in order and I wrote letters to immediate family and instructions in case I was in the 0.01% with a less than desirable outcome. sorry for being morbid, but 99+% success is excellent odds. As I was discharged, husband took the bathroom items I had to use including the soap. We liked the Canadian Honker, husband ate there while I was in. Like Debra, the house was clean, sheets clean, etc. I was cooking the day after we arrived home, pots and pans were placed on the counter for me, simple stuff because you need to "be in a cylinder." My health insurance provides a little home help (did not use) and a supply of meals for 2 weeks (did use that service). I already had a Lazy Boy. Slow deliberate movements were necessary, one does need to move around. People have been recovering since 1959 and I was confident that I was in good hands.