Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself
Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.
I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.
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What, exactly, have you been told? What is your problem?
Hello I'm Carlos5 and I suffer from chronic pain. I was recently diagnosed with neuropathy I also suffer from sciatica that's a killer right there. And not to mention my shoulders. It's frustrating not to have one day without all this constant paín. Well I'm glad to be here.
Left pain management clinic after short discussion. I don’t want more drugs but reason for pain of 3 months on thigh area. It also is sharp pain when using arms in reaching. I have an orthopedic surgeon in 2 weeks.
I’m so sorry you have constant pain and I do also. I beg with tears to go back to being able to have normalcy in my life again. It’s very challenging to live with pain. I pray you have a better day today Carol. One day at a time is our motto.
Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer. I graduated from the Jacksonville Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation 3 week program. I'm living my C life. I've been able to handle everything happening throughout my body as it happens. Believe me that every day I work this program in my struggle with nonprogressive as well as progressive lables. Too many lables. My pain levels fluctuate between a 4 and a 8. I also deal with CSS. Due to the CSS, my treatment of my "lables" has changed drastically. I used MRT for years as well as chiropractic manipulation. Tried pain management techniques for a couple of years to no lasting relief. I'm aware that I will need surgery for my neck, lumbar and sacral iliac joints eventually. My hometown PCP feels that I should have it sooner rather than later as I'm now in my 50's and that my body will recover better now than if I wait until I'm in my 60's. I'm trying so hard to work this PRC life but this also looms in my conscious.
Living with chronic never ending pain is something that can't be explained in words to someone else, especially when you've been dealing with it over a long period of time.
It takes everything out of you some days, and you just want everything to stop. However, you wake up in the morning, and you go about your daily routine, and it's the same thing all over again, day after day, week after week, month after month.
Your family tries to empathize, but they can't understand what pain does to you physically, emotionally, and mentally.
@bgator I read your short post and you don’t sound like your dealing with PN in a productive manner. Since I don’t know your story I’ll share some of mine. Fell in earthquake 1988 with subsequent L5-S1 fusion and L5 laminectomy. Fast forward I now have osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, chronic pain syndrome and PN. I rely on PT to update my home exercise program when a body part gives me trouble. I walk 2 miles daily and go to gym 2-3 times a week. I use primarily buprenorphine patches for my pain control and cannabis tinctures for breakthrough pain. My pain doc does injections like you noted and prescribes my pain meds but does not perform surgery as he’s an anesthesiologist. There are many like the one you went to but some people need that level of intervention. You unfortunately need to find what works for you like we all have done or are trying to.
Hello everyone!
My name is Mery and I have had chronic pain for over twenty years. Lately, it’s gotten a lot worse and I am currently trying to discover why.
In the last year I have lost 20% of my body weight and it seems to be mostly muscle. I have started eating healthier and exercising a bit more but not to the extent that I should be losing that much weight, especially muscle.
My doctor has done extensive blood work and it’s all coming up normal. No tick born diseases, no heart problems, not even an excessive amount of inflammation. The next step is a brain MRI to see if I have MS or a brain tumor. The whole process is frightening. I want an answer, I want to be able to treat whatever it is that is wrong with me. I need to stop feeling this level 10 pain that nothing I can take seems to help. (I can’t take narcotics)
Thanks for listening!
Hello to all. My name is Marcie and I have been in pain management for many years. I have had eight separate spinal decompressions, most in my cervical spine but also two in my lumbar spine. I now have crippled hands which was so difficult for me because I was an accomplished pianist.
Long-term opiate use has essentially ruined my bowels and I now fall into that opioid induced bowel dysfunction group.
I have no quality of life anymore.
Hello my name is Jim I also am dealing with chronic pain been to every doctor. We can go to the moon, but we can’t fix our bodies. How amazing is that