Wet, sticky eyes
I’m wondering if anyone else has had problems with their eyes, for the past 2 weeks my eyes are wet and sticky. I’ve been on prednisone for 14 months , I was down to 2 mg in November but had a flare. Presently taking 7 mg and decreasing by 1 mg monthly. Natural tears don’t seem to help much but I was told by the optometrist last December 2023 I had dry eye. I might try some polysporin drops as this sticky drainage makes me think maybe I have a little infection.
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Consider if having parasites is involved.
My eyes have been very wet since I began PMR treatment with Prednisone. My optometrist explained that I have dry eye caused by the eye bulge that I have developed with treatment. My eyes apparently do not shut completely when I blink or sleep which causes my eye to over produce tears to address the problem. Unfortunately, eye drops have not helped much. My eyes are constantly wet but definitely not sticky. I hope this info is helpful. I admit that I dream of the day that I am off of steroids and can wear eye makeup again. 😂🤣
I have had extremely red, bloody eyes for two years now. Since first diagnosed with PMR and starting Prednisone. Mine are also sticky and sometimes crusty around my eyelashes. Been to an opthalmologist 4 x and told it's blepharitis. While I'll agree that I might actually have blepharitis sporadically, I don't believe it would be continuous as it is. On my 5th try at a taper now. The other times when I was able to taper down to about 7 mg of pred daily my eyes got much much better. Unfortunately I haven't been able to go past that until I crash and burn with huge flares. I was on Doxycycline for 4 weeks, Restasis for a year until I began having side effects from it, artificial tears. Lid scrubs, warm compresses......no improvement. Good luck!
I wore eye makeup for over half a century and was really bummed at first when I had to stop because of my red, sticky eyes from Prednisone. But nowadays it seems liberating. Lol I had hair loss from the pred too and my hair grew back curly. Seen that happen with chemo patients but was surprised when it happened to me. Surprised and happy! It also feels liberating having curly hair now that I don't have to fuss with, just wash and go. I don't go much these days because of my compromised immune system, but when I do go I can get ready much faster than I used to. Silver lining......