Red irritated tissue in nose not going away
So I have redness and irritation in the beginning of nostril and ENT says it's at the back before it goes down. It's been chronic, I've even had one nostril corroded and the skin came back so nice but went back to the way it was. Dr says not infection..really doesn't know why.
I do multiple rinses, don't smoke but still find my nose having this inflammed tissue that is tender and can bleed if touched. I've taken allergy meds, sprays and even steroid rinses. I'm just looking to see if anyone else has had this problem. I also have widespread inflammation throughout my body that is undiagnosed at this point. Thank you
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I have been doing saline nasal rinses and nasal steroid (XHANCE) sprays for years now.
I found I was developing sores and cruste areas inside the nose. What I found I was doing was pushing the side of the nossle against side of nose and was causing irritation.
Your symptoms were the same as mine.
What I did to solve mine was to be a lot more careful and keep the nossle in middle of nose and do not push it against the sides of nose. I did this for several days and the irritation, sores, crusting slowly went away.
I am giving you what caused mine and what I did to resolve it. It may or may not be what is causing yours but passing on my experience with this.
Thank you for your reply. No unfortunately this is not my problem. I do appreciate it though!
Hello @januaryjane.
Yours sounds like quite a unique problem and I wonder if it is related to your overall inflammation that you mentioned. I wondered if you have tried buying a good form of Manuka honey and trying to heal the nostril with that? It is amazing at healing things. Also, do you do an antiinflammatory diet? Any supplements used to combat inflammation like Curcumin or Omega 3 fatty acids (FIsh oil) or ginger? I use a teaspoon of Bees and Trees Manuke Honey...the 350 strength... in my coffee every morning for immune support and because I have metastatic head and neck cancer. I will also apply it to slow healing sores, cold sores, etc. You can buy it online. Maybe addressing your overall inflammation will bring you some relief with the nostril issue.