What is the average age of the gentlemen on here?
good evening men. i have a group question here. i,m 57 years old and i feel that is kind of young to have prostate cancer. so my question for the men is what is the age of some of you?
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58 PSA 5.2 confirmed by Biopsy
Since this thread has been running so long, it might be interesting to reshare your current age along with age and cancer stage at first diagnosis. That might be reassuring for newly-arrived members, especially, to see how many years a lot of us have been successfully coexisting with prostate cancer.
Here's mine:
Age: 60
Age at first diagnosis: 56
Cancer stage at first diagnosis: 4 (oligometastatic)
Current status: full remission (PSA < 0.01)
Age: 71
Age at first diagnosis: 67
Cancer stage at diagnosis: T3a EPE (tumor has grown outside of the prostate but not reached seminal vesicles), Small Cribform pattern, Gleason 4+5
Current status: Remission (PSA< 0.03 since June 2022)
Initial Treatment: proton with 2 years lupron+ abiraterone+ prednisone.
Hi, thanks for posting, could you please share where you got proton therapy and if this procedure is covered by insurance ? Thanks so much in advance.
My husband had first abnormal result at age 63, now he is 69.
current age-70
First diagnosis- 68 yr. stage 4 metastasized to the bone.
Psa at that time-932
Current-psa at .08 and I be rocking.