I had the Nevro SCS implanted at the end of April. For 11-12 years I’ve had chronic left sided burning pain that comes from an entrapped pudendal nerve, also pain below left SI joint and my left sit-bone, left hip pain and left sciatic nerve pain down my left leg.
The SCS helps me tremendously. I’ve gone from laying in bed all day, to only going there for short breaks. I feel motivated to get up in the morning, clean house and then get out socially. It’s important to not expect total pain relief but an improvement. That together with Cymbalta and Lyrica makes pain just go into the background instead of being all you can think of. Sometimes just an improvement can be life altering.
I had a spinal cord stimulator implanted in my back in 2004 after several failed back surgeries (the first doctor was on cocaine when he was doing a per cutaneous dissection). I won't go into the specifics of that but I was diagnosed with PTSD afterwards...it was bad. I was terrified to go back to an Orthopeadic doctor for many years afterward. The doctor I chose had an excellent reputation and he tried everything. I had a foronotomy, a laminectomy. A spinal fusion at L5 S1 level and in between all of that I had 2 spinal fluid leaks. The very first doctor almost severed my sciatic nerve and it never regenerated properly. I had to have a total hip replacement because I was walking incorrectly between the first and my present doctor. My pain management doctor had me on morphine for a full year although I was begging him to take me off of it. Finally off of the morphine the pain was unbearable! He then brought in reps for the stimulator. It initially took some of the pain away, about 25%,but at that point I was willing to try anything. I had the first one put in in 2004. Then I fell in early 2005 and the wires along my spine snapped off. So, I had to have a 2nd one put in. Another nightmare ensued because the pain management doctor did it without any anesthesia or numbing of any kind. My surgeon was absolutely furious after all that I had already been through. The representatives from Medtronic stimulator met with us several times to try to improve the outcome. Finally, 2 years ago I gave up on it and turned it on only rarely. Now I haven't turned it on for the past year. I'm on a Fentenayl patch, but still have a lot of break through pain at times. They can remove the battery from my butt, however, the wires are so buried in scar tissue that it would be extremely risky to remove them. I was told I could never have an MRI because the wires are still in my body. Please make very sure that you're getting at least 50% relief from the stimulator during the trial period or you may have the problems that I have. Also, try to find out if your doctor is being paid by the company to push the product. It happens quite often. Good luck with whichever you decide to go.
Maybe 9 years ago, when this was posted, MRIs were not allowed with SCSs. Now you ARE able to get MRIs...you just have to contact the imaging center and let them know you have it implanted in your body. They have specific MI machines for people with certain implants (SCS, Loop Monitor, Pacemaker, etc. If the imaging center you choose doesn't have the corrcct machine then they, your doctor or insurance company should be able to refer you to a location that does.
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Has anyone had an SCS for pain for neuropathy from diabetes complications?
Thank you.
I had the Nevro SCS implanted at the end of April. For 11-12 years I’ve had chronic left sided burning pain that comes from an entrapped pudendal nerve, also pain below left SI joint and my left sit-bone, left hip pain and left sciatic nerve pain down my left leg.
The SCS helps me tremendously. I’ve gone from laying in bed all day, to only going there for short breaks. I feel motivated to get up in the morning, clean house and then get out socially. It’s important to not expect total pain relief but an improvement. That together with Cymbalta and Lyrica makes pain just go into the background instead of being all you can think of. Sometimes just an improvement can be life altering.
Maybe 9 years ago, when this was posted, MRIs were not allowed with SCSs. Now you ARE able to get MRIs...you just have to contact the imaging center and let them know you have it implanted in your body. They have specific MI machines for people with certain implants (SCS, Loop Monitor, Pacemaker, etc. If the imaging center you choose doesn't have the corrcct machine then they, your doctor or insurance company should be able to refer you to a location that does.