Persistent Cough, Mostly at Night. Asthma?

Posted by heartyrainbow @heartyrainbow, Nov 22, 2024

I have been coughing for more than a year, and it keeps me from exercising and sleeping. During the day time, cough drop is enough to suppress my cough, but I need to sit upright to sleep at night. Once I lie down I tend to start coughing. My sinus is blocked at night time but when I start coughing I somehow need to keep blowing my nose until eventually I feel better. When I take a nap during the day time I can lie down to sleep without any problem. I don't have any chest tightness or any unusual feeling around my lungs.

I have been seeing multiple doctors (general practitioner, pulmonary doctor, and naturopath doctor) on my persistent cough for a while. I tried multiple inhalers but stopped them after a while because I'm afraid of the side effects & I lost my voice when I used the inhaler. They think it may be asthma, but there is no definite answer. My lung x-ray was "perfectly clean" and passed my lung function test.

Does anyone have any idea what I have or suggestion on what I should do next? I would also like to find any natural cure. I have been using cough drops, honey and ginger, and anti-histamine sometimes. I'd appreciate your input!

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Have you had a methacholine test to confirm asthma? You may have, as I do, a very high lung capacity. My normal reading is 150% and when I was very sick, I was down to 103% so doctors didn’t realize at first that it was asthma. You need to find an inhaler that doesn’t have side effects and stick with it. I changed three times before I found one that worked for meYou can’t use emergency inhalers unless you’re using a daily inhaler as it will damage your airways. I find Neilmed nasal rinse very helpful when needed. Good luck


Could it possibly be silent reflex? That is a form of GERD which does not exhibit as heartburn but can affect voice, sinuses, even ears, as well as the esophagus and can cause coughing, and is especially active at night or reclining.
Very hard to diagnose some of these conditions as they sound like something else, sending us on wild goose chases!
Best of luck from one who has been in the chase!


Allergies, asthma and reflux are the 3 most common causes of chronic cough. A good lung doc or allergist can evaluate you for all 3. If there’s a good teaching hospital near you maybe they have a good doc that can give you a thorough evaluation to find the cause for better treatment.

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