How do you plan your day and conserve energy? Are you a Spoonie?

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 2, 2021

Are you like me, and run out of energy after doing only a few things? You shower and are then worn out and have to rest? Or maybe you walk the dog and it’s just too much! And you find yourself turning down invitation to lunch (pre-COVID-19) because of no energy. I do. I hate having to say no to friends, going home early, or taking shorter walks. I feel like I lost so much and myself!
Then I heard about The Spoon Theory, developed by Christine Miserandino. It’s a way of describing, planning, and conserving energy units that you use during the day. On her web page, Christine how she explained her illness (lupus, an autoimmune disease) and energy levels to a friend. You are able to explain to others the details of your life as someone with an invisible disease or chronic illness.
For example, I start my day with a list of things I need to do (shower, make the bed, do some laundry) and then I add my list of things I want to do
(go for a nice walk, sew, bake something). When I put the lists together, I realize that I won’t have enough spoons (units of energy) to get through the day. So, I’ve learned , using The Spoon Theory, to divide up the have to’s and the want to’s and add in some rest periods. I probably won’t get everything done—there’s always tomorrow—but I also won’t get exhausted, achey, and cranky half way through the day! The Spoon Theory has made so much sense to me!
Have you thought up a way to use and conserve your energy throughout the day?

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