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Is it a given that post-procedure recovery includes irregular heart rhythm over the first several weeks?
I am one week over and everything seems to be clicking right along …
I use my Kardia daily to chk my heart rate which reports normal sinus rhythm. I still do not understand the difference between Tachycardia and AFIB, both I had prior to the Ablation!
I am taking Eliquis, Metoprolol, Flecainade, Statin and an anti-anxiety !
I will stay on said meds until June
when I am scheduled for my 3 mth
EC visit. Seems like a long time comin’

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Replies to "Is it a given that post-procedure recovery includes irregular heart rhythm over the first several weeks?..."

Afib is a quivering of the upper chamber of the heart. There are two upper chambers, each one called an atrium. The plural is atria.
Afib is short for atrial fibrillation. Fibrillation means quivering.

Tachycardia is a heartbeat that is more rapid than normal.