Thank you for responding, I have been on warfain, since my first stroke, in 1989, due to blood clots, that got through the large hole in my heart, it also came out that I had anti coagulation lupus, so the rapid heart beat is like 3 yrs now, but now the feeling of dizzy, feeling faint, breaking out in complete sweating, where I have to get my body in a cold shower, right away, and out of breath, I am on oxygen, for 3 yrs, and February was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, I had a 2 and stroke in 2002, and a heart attack, in 2005, and angina, I will see if I can go to the website, and figure out, and get a rate, i appreciate your feedback back, I figure that my cardiologist didn't call with results, and just posted the 17 page report, from the monitoring company, he isn't going to call
I went to the website and my number is a 6, not good at all, but thank you, very helpful