What are your tips for staying independent at your own home?

Many people say they’d prefer to grow old in their own homes. What are your tips for remaining independent as long as possible. What do you do to:
- Keep up with home maintenance and housekeeping?
- Avoid injuries around the house?
- Combat loneliness or stay connected?

Any other tips?

October 25, 2023: Update from the Community Director

The knowledge exchange shared in this discussion helped to create this article written for the Mayo Clinic app and website. Knowledge for patients by patients and beyond Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for all your tips.

Aging at home: Advice for staying independent

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aging Well Support Group.

Stay busy! I am a homebody! Doesn’t mean I’m depressed! I crochet- make rugs for others- embroider and stitch t- towels! Love to cook. Also, live out here in the country! I don’t need to find things to do/ they find me! A trusted dog also helps! Not a puppy- they can trip you up! I also see myself living on one level eventually! I do have a recumbent bike and treadmill in the basement! For now- I am fine. Will make small changes when needed!!! My husband and son keep me busy as I am on- call 24/7! And, nice to see kids/ grandkids! Enjoy each day you are gifted to celebrate life!!!


Exactly! There are many seniors who don’t want grab bars because they’re “unsightly “. Hopefully they don’t learn the hard way. 🤕

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i am having two smaller grab bars installed after having a 30" bar installed. because i had them. so far i a haing to climb into a clawfoot tub to shower. i can't get out of the tub or off the floor. i never knew these things could happen.
also, i have non slip suction tub length pad.

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