Hip revision
Hello everyone. I am feeling some serious anxiety and depression today. I may have posted about this already so sorry if I did. My 2 year old hip is giving me some issues. Mainly groin discomfort. I had an MRI done. Doctor called me and told me there is some fluid and loosening of stem and cup. I will have an aspiration done on hip to see if there is an infection. My best case scenario is total hip revision. I am really worried about this. Has anyone here ever have a total hip revision? What was it like afterwards? I see that they break bone and then use a wire to put it back together again. I am so tired of surgeries and hip pain. I just recently did other hip as well 3 months ago and that one bothers a little at the groin area. I am really bummed out and worried about the process the outcome etc. I knownit isn't a death sentence but just spoke with doc 10 minutes ago on phone. I really feel like crap. I apologize for long text and sounding like a wimp.
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Yes, when they had to remove my wife’s complete hip implant, placed a medicated spacer for 8 weeks and then a new implant. They had to split the femur to remove the old stem and once the new stem was placed they wrapped a wire around the femur where it remains!
Thank you for response. Was she able to walk during those 8 weeks with the spacer? the wrapped wire stays around the femur? How is she now? I hope she is well.
Yes, she could still walk during the spacer, it is actually a form of cement! Yes, the wire is still in there and only way to remove it would be another surgery, hopefully not! And her hips are no issue now, although they did compress some nerve’s throughout the various surgeries, therefore there is a little numbness and one leg is shorter then the other which gives her a limp but she has placed a spacer in her shorter legs shoe, which helps unless she gets tired.
Overall she is doing well, honestly, between you and me, she has gained some weight which slows her down some, warmers weather coming, hopefully she can get outside and walk some. Last summer she rode riding lawn mower and helped me mow, outside activities!
it never occurred to me that i would get severe osteoarthritis of the hip requiring a hip replacement. and female problems requiring a d&c polops removed, possible hysterectomy in the future. and really long wait time and diabetes 2.
my grandmother and great grandmother broke their hips. my father and brother had diabetes 2.
my grandmother, grandfather, sister had cancer.
my odds are 85% that i have cancer of the uterus.
Well, let’s hope that 15% is strongly in your favor! Stay on top and be sure to Advocate for yourself strongly, because you know your body more than Any doctor!
Comment: I have had both hips replaced within the past two years. My last hip surgery was last February 24th. Over the past few months I have been experiencing pain in my right groin. The pain is like pins and needles in the groin area.
Question: Has anyone experienced that pain after hip surgery? I am concerned reading the articles about discomfort in the groin area. I do not have an appointment to see my surgeon for two more months.
The pins and needles you describe are common after many surgeries - they are a sign that the nerves inevitably cut or irritated during surgery are regenerating. This can take a long time in some cases.
After some of my surgeries, the pain was a little different from day to day or week to week. Other times it seemed far away from the surgical site - all of this is normal, unless it is accompanied by excessive swelling, redness, or feeling hot to touch - these may be signs of infection, and warrant a call to the surgeon.
Are you still icing a couple times a day? This can help ease the sensations, as can getting up and walking around.
Yes, nerves are waking up and unusual feelings will surface! The more you exercise and move around and ice compress should help things improve
Thank you for your replies. It has been a long time since my operation in FEB 2024. The PA at the surgeons office said it could be nerves regenerating. Worse than the pins and needles is the hot flash pain that wakes me up at night. There is no swelling of hot to touch symptom, just that my groin feels like it is on fire on the inside. The skin is not hot to touch. No, I have not iced but I do exercises. I will start the ice and pray for relief. I see the doctor in May.
Thanks so very much for replying, you have alleviated some of my stress.
Not to be nosy but have you had your annual check up with your gynecologist to rule out any other potential complications?