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Your story is so encouraging to me. I am 70 and just want an answer so I can go forward with my life. My internist said yesterday the adrenal infarct last week was due to my high platelet count. She did say the chemo I had for bc could cause leukemia years later. I could’ve gone all day without hearing that!
I told my husband I was feeling very anxious about the biopsy. He said well it’s going to provide answers. My internist said we can’t just keep throwing medication at the problem. I might’ve mentioned that my previous oncologist (who treated my breast cancer) didn’t seem to think the biopsy ‘would give that much more information’. But 2 drs feel differently.
Doesn’t help that I’m a retired RN who at times has a little bit too much information for my own good!

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Replies to "Your story is so encouraging to me. I am 70 and just want an answer so..."

Having a medical background does put you in that position of knowing too much for your own good! 😅 I get it! Sometimes ignorance can be bliss. But it also gives you a great insight of knowing to trust and work with your doctors for your best health.

Whether or not the previous chemo you had might be behind leukemia now, it doesn’t change the fact that the chemo bought you 17 healthy years that otherwise would have been lost to you and your family. My health teams made me aware of the potential risks for later too, however, it’s a chance I was willing to take. Without the chemo I’d have been a goner 6 years ago. Frankly, life holds no guarantees anyway. So if we can buy precious time, take my adult money! ☺️

I trust you’ll let me know how the biopsy goes?? Joking aside, I’m here anytime you need a sounding board. Hugs

Knowing that you are a retired RN, what would you be telling a patient right now?