I need 😫 someone's HELP
My husband has been put on two new medicines as he has lost 70# since he was let go of his job he has gone downhill and hasn't got out of bed except to go to bathroom..my hands are tied don't know what else to do..his Dr is having an abdomen test ran to see if cancer exists she a neurologist appears to not have any answers either thinking about switching drs..HELP
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I would be looking a variety of medical help, I would be dead if I did not advocate for myself and push certain doctors for help.
Abdominal scan is a good idea. How is he receiving nutrition? Protein shakes may help. Otherwise feeding tube may be a good idea due to the weight loss. Sorry to hear this is going on.
@carolhl12024 I hope you can get your husband out of bed to get him to go for the abdominal scan. Sounds like he is in a deep depression and the medications he is on are exacerbating the condition …🤔
What are your husband’s current symptoms and what medications and dosages is he on? Is the medication for anxiety/depression? He may need adjustments to his medications or to stop them and take new medications. I lost my job in 2023 and had a perfect storm of life that pushed me down into a deep depression. I don’t want to get out of bed for a long time. It has taken me over 1.5 years to get medication that works for me. I had to work with a psychiatrist to work through different medications/side effects until I had some improvement. I can now get out of bed and function a little better but still dealing with other health issues.
What doctors has your husband seen so far? Some doctors will do telehealth visits if it is hard for him to get out of bed.
PLEASE do NOT give up. I have to believe where a problem exists, so does a solution. Well...the majority of the time. My suggestion would be to find a new doctor who is willing to start from the beginning; that being said, your husband and you need to be willing to drop everything you have done medically and physiologically thus far, clearing the path and start from the beginning. I know, easier said than done. However, you, nor y;our husband are NOT alone. Someone who has been there.
This sounds very serious especially with your husband losing 70 lbs! I think your idea of another doctor is a good one. If your husband seems too ill just call 911. They will come and probably take him to the emergency room and get tests done which will start to identify what the problem really is. Also pray and ask God for help. He is always there for us. We just need to ask. I will say a prayer for both of you also.
You and your husband are in my prayers!!
My brother has been dealing with depression for 4 years. Ever since Covid. He has lost 75lbs. Says food doesn’t taste right We have him drinking shakes and we prepare food for him that he likes. He’s very picky because of the taste of foods. He’s confused and can’t focus. He had brain scans. Found nothing. Also has had etc and magnetic therapy. Nothing helping. Very sad situation. He’s been in hospital 2xs and sees a psych. He’s still trying different meds. Nothing seems to work. Looking into spravado a form of ketamine you sniff up the nose. Don’t think he’s a candidate. Any thoughts are appreciated.
In 2016, my partner drove me to my ECT appts and home. Electroconvulsive therapy.. all those pysych meds didn't help me. Losing my job bc of my mental health was the beginning of the end. ECT really helped in the beginning ubtil it didn't. So here I am again, trial and error with meds. Tell your husband. Keep on trucking.
Did you go back for maintenance with the ECT? My brother did not. I do feel it helped a little but then I didn’t see anymore change and he was back where he was