Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): What can I expect?

Posted by dell @dell060969, Aug 16, 2017

Newly diagnosed with AML, what to expect?

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I had to have aback procedure and did not start oral meds. Had one round and to start again next Monday. Do not like any of this.
Hope my back clears up ..almost too much to deal with I pray everyday..just down and out now

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Oh gosh, I wish I could reach through the computer this morning and give you a gentle hug. You surely didn’t need to have back issues tossed in on top of the AML treatments! I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with all of this at one time…it’s no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed.

In the darkest moments, I found the strength within me to keep fighting. You can do this too! I know it’s the last thing you feel like doing, but if you can find even small moments during each day that bring you joy, a sense of peace or calmness, it can help to recharge your soul. Watch and listen to birds from your window. Take a little walk if you’re able. Watch a funny tv show, talk with a friend, admire the beauty of frost on the window… You are strong, resilient and will get through this rough stretch of road. And when you do, you’ll reflect back on the amazing inner strength you found to get you through each day.
Sending my annoyingly perky vibes of strength and healing for you! ☺️ Will you let me know how you’re feeling after treatment on Monday? (But you don’t have to wait until then…I’m here for you any time!)


I had to have aback procedure and did not start oral meds. Had one round and to start again next Monday. Do not like any of this.
Hope my back clears up ..almost too much to deal with I pray everyday..just down and out now

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I will be praying for you for rest. Peace and hope. With God all things are possible. Just trust him.

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