Tell us an unusual thing that people don't know about you

Posted by Scott R L @scottrl, Oct 1, 2024

I'll start.

I have never, ever held a baby, toddler, or young child in my arms.

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💯 %.
I've never had a working filter and frequently get in trouble for blurting out things I want to take back after a moment's thought. So, texting is a godsend for me, too! I still screw up and say stupid things, but not nearly as much as I would in a typical face-to-face convo.

BTW, this is the 4th draft of this comment!

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"BTW, this is the 4th draft of this comment!"
OMG, I rewrite one post for sometimes an hour. And not even for typos. I always post too long I chide myself (and its true as I don't do short snarky responses.)

Except, the more I edit, the longer it gets. Thus: "I would have written less but I ran out of time." Lol


I am very sensitive to sounds. Can’t stand people whistling, or any sound that is repeated in music or song. Any kind of repetitive sound drive me mental!

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Same. I believe many of us suffer from brain inflammation so we are acutely sensitive. Its also a sign of ADHD and can be temporal lobe epilepsy in my case, but I believe all of them are brain inflammation. There is a group studying brain inflammation I was surprised to find.


I just turned 90 and yes, I am doing just fine, thank you. However 80 years ago, when I was 10 years old, I contracted Scarlet Fever. In today's world with its proliferation of drugs, it seems hard to believe that there was nothing then. I remember being taken by an ambulance to a hospital for infectious diseases. We were kept in isolation. That was the only treatment. I was there for almost a month, but I survived.

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My grandmother got measles at 2years old and ended up deaf from it. People don't understand many diseases don't hurt people anymore because of vaccines. (Not wanting to start a convo about that.)

But you don't stop taking your high blood pressure med because your BP is normal. You dont stop your epilepsy meds because you are seizure free. You don't stop your insulin because your blood sugar is good.

Measles. Scarlet fever. TB. Mumps. People like you (and even me at 70) help keep history alive, this important stuff people want to forget.

Measles outbreak in TX. Some children can end up deaf for life. Its a big deal. Thank you.

Have you thought of writing or even recording a memoir? Even if each chapter is about one thing unrelated to the previous chapters. Like where were you when JFK, MLK, RFK was shot? These incidents are rapidly getting lost.

I would love to go into nursing homes an listen to their stories and write them down. Hmm. I thinking about a volunteer job. Maybe its time for that?


I am not special…I feel other people’s feelings deeply…physically…emotionally…spiritually.

In fact I can hear the wind whisper its lament in my ear.

I know there are others like me.

If you are one of us…you are not mad.

There are others like us estimated at 1 to 2 percent of the population of the world.

You are not alone.

Many of us die trying to cope.

You are not alone and we are not dysfunctional, bipolar, autistic we are just different.

My blood type is AB+ only 4% of humanity has this blood type…no big deal.

Neither is extreme empathy.

They told me I was sick and medicated me.

There is nothing wrong with us. It is a gift and a profound responsibility.

I have found one solution and one only.

Love, love, love and love some more. When that’s not enough love some more.

Never stop…never stop.

Love transforms suffering into grace.

Prayer, if you do that unlocks the locked doors with empathy for the other, all others all things, everything, even those who have caused my suffering.

Love is the key. It is the only thing that has brought me peace and led me to the grace of a higher power.

You are not alone.

I feel you as you feel me.

Peace and good health are right through the doorway of love.

Thank you!

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You are speaking of HSP? Highly Sensitive person?Cant go to malls - too many feelings going on all around you. Not empathy. Empathic. Know you won't like a food because of how it looks. We know the texture of the food in our mouth will be intolerable. (Dont tell kids they can't say they don't like something because they have never tried it. 😁)

There is a documentary made about HSPs by the author of the book written about it. Its streaming but I forget where. Lots of videos on YT.


Ok. I thought I had already posted here but I can't find it.

I too have rarely held an infant. If you were LGBT in the 80s, people didn't let you hold their kids. My sister wouldn't even go to family events if I was there. It was AIDS time. The gay plaque and I was a lesbian. Dangerous person to be near. That was then. Too many don't remember or maybe never knew what it was like to be gay back then.

So, lets see.

I've never lived with a partner. The closest I came, we both had rent controlled apartments. Who gives theirs up?? Neither!

Many, many who knew me in the 80s and 90s would be shocked to find out I am still alive and didn't suicide (I moved out of state.)

People today would be surprised to know I wore glasses, smoked over a pack a day, have walked with crutches most of my adult life, live in constant pain and have successfully suicided once.

People back then would be surprised to find out I ever quit smoking! Lol (1999. 26 years ago. Seems like yesterday.)

Ok. One interesting odd thing. I had a conversation with Phil Donahue and Marlo Thomas about where to buy underwear in Boston on a Sunday.



We are a surviving species…I’ve just come out of the jungle and now I’ve met two of my tribe…I’ve felt like the last of my species my whole life.

I get physically sick, so bad sometimes I often want to die just to make it stop.

That I am not alone means more than I can say.

More and more doctors are paying attention. I think they are finally going to imagine my brain…after 14 years of high dose psyche meds and 19 sessions of ECT…I’m going to light up the fMRI like Christmas tree.

I’ve been struggling with this my whole…six was my first psychotic break…they labeled me as just about everything except what I am I human with expanded sense perception.

Thank you 🙏

Thank you 🙏


My grandmother got measles at 2years old and ended up deaf from it. People don't understand many diseases don't hurt people anymore because of vaccines. (Not wanting to start a convo about that.)

But you don't stop taking your high blood pressure med because your BP is normal. You dont stop your epilepsy meds because you are seizure free. You don't stop your insulin because your blood sugar is good.

Measles. Scarlet fever. TB. Mumps. People like you (and even me at 70) help keep history alive, this important stuff people want to forget.

Measles outbreak in TX. Some children can end up deaf for life. Its a big deal. Thank you.

Have you thought of writing or even recording a memoir? Even if each chapter is about one thing unrelated to the previous chapters. Like where were you when JFK, MLK, RFK was shot? These incidents are rapidly getting lost.

I would love to go into nursing homes an listen to their stories and write them down. Hmm. I thinking about a volunteer job. Maybe its time for that?

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In addition to surviving measles, I also had scarlet fever when I was 10 years old. So that would have been 80 years ago. There were no medications then. I remember being put into an ambulance and was taken to a special hospital that was for people with communicable diseases. I remained there in seclusion until the disease had run its course. Of course I could have easily died. My present doctor feels that surviving these life threatening diseases has made my immune system stronger and may be a contributing factor to why I am doing so well at such an advanced age.


I wonder if it was rheumatic fever. My father-in-law had that and it also left him with a weakened heart. He died at 48. Now we have drugs for everything. Then it was the luck of the draw. In addition, we also had to go through all the so-called childhood diseases, such as measles, chicken pox. whooping cough, etc. because there were no vaccines. Measles is a very serious disease. Now because of modern scientific discoveries kids don't have to go through all of this. So it is very important to get the proper vaccines for your children.

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You are correct. Medicines have come a long way. I did not have rheumatic fever. I do not have heart issues. However, I did survive scarlet fever. Nothing for that either. Now you are given an antibiotic and it is over in about a week. I spent a long time in a hospital for communicable diseases. That was my sole treatment. I was 10 years old.


@agah70 I am the opposite of you - I prefer talking to someone in person rather than text or talk on the phone! 😀

I love my own company and quite happy spending lots of time on my own, but if I have to be in touch with someone or deal with a problem I prefer in person - not on Zoom or Skype either.

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wow!! its as if I wrote your reply, lol. I do enjoy my daughters or my grandkids but apart from them I don't need other people, perhaps that's the root of potential therapy lol


💯 %.
I've never had a working filter and frequently get in trouble for blurting out things I want to take back after a moment's thought. So, texting is a godsend for me, too! I still screw up and say stupid things, but not nearly as much as I would in a typical face-to-face convo.

BTW, this is the 4th draft of this comment!

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i knew i hit on the right subject,im gonna fit right in! my problem is my filter doesn't come on at the right time lol, I'm finding it best to just not open my mouth

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