D-Mannoose and UTI prevention

Posted by holly55 @holly55, Jan 1 1:00pm

I've read that taking D-Mannoose can flush toxins from bladder and kidneys. But don't take too much
Anyone have any experiences to share w this? I'm experiencing reoccurring UTIs. Was taking AZO and pumpkin for bladder support

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I'm on antibiotics now for the fifth time. Prolapsed bladder n rectum. Yuk. Got D-Manoose today to take. Also take cranberry supplement cranberry juice and pumpkin. Doing exercises and go to pelvic floor PT. Seeing urologist to see if it needs surgery.
My weight is decent, 123 pds
And have diverticulitis) gastroparesis/gastritis.
Lol...that's enough for me😂


I'm on antibiotics now for the fifth time. Prolapsed bladder n rectum. Yuk. Got D-Manoose today to take. Also take cranberry supplement cranberry juice and pumpkin. Doing exercises and go to pelvic floor PT. Seeing urologist to see if it needs surgery.
My weight is decent, 123 pds
And have diverticulitis) gastroparesis/gastritis.
Lol...that's enough for me😂

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@holly55 I’m sorry you are on your 5th round of antibiotics. Is it for UTI if you don’t mind me asking, since that is what this discussion is about? It is also about
D-Mannoose or D-Mannose (I’ve seen different spellings.) Is it a supplement thought to be helpful for preventing & / or treating UTI? I’m not familiar with it. I would like to learn more. Sometimes I think traditional Drs don’t have a lot of background training in dietary, supplements or vitamin treatments.


I was looking for more information on D-mannose. Specifically how much is too much. Some say too much can cause kidney damage, but they never say how much is too much. I've been taking it for awhile now to help prevent recurring UTIs. For the last six months I also take Methanamine. I'm having my first break through UTI in three months currently and am back on antibiotics. This is the longest I have been without a UTI in two years. I credit the Methanamine and my new doctor.


True about cranberry juice for most. It aggravated my gut so I tried cranberry supplement also pumpkin and pre/probiotics. I'm leaning towards what's causing it. I'm guessing a prolapsed bladder. Seeing urologist in March. Stay healthy ♥️

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I use cranberry capsules twice a day. No uti’s


I use it daily and NO UTI's. I used to have them every month for years. I just take one a day and drink lots of water. I once decided I was cured and stopped taking it and BAM! another trip to urgent care. I won'r stop regimen any more.

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Does it really help? My urologist wants me to use vaginal estrogen cream but I tried it and seem to itch and burn a bit even after 1 month then I tried the vagianl insert and feel the same. I want to stop them. Is there a certain brand of d-manose you use and are there any side effects or drug interactions? Thanks


All meds have side effects. If you must take several medications there’s always the possibility of interactions. I suspect that this is also true of supplements and possibly dietary interventions. We aren’t medical providers here so we don’t diagnose or prescribe. You should ask your provider for advice regarding using D-Mannose, cranberry supplements etc.


After a really bad uti recently and 3 antibiotics I decided to try D Mannose. I purchased the powder after doing a lot of research as it said it is much better than the pills absorbs better. I got the organic on Amazon. I just got it today. I did the cranberry and the suppositories but since I just had the worse uti ever I may finish them and not take them anymore. I also bought something called Semaine it had good reviews I just have to find out if it’s okay to take both with my current medication.


Does it really help? My urologist wants me to use vaginal estrogen cream but I tried it and seem to itch and burn a bit even after 1 month then I tried the vagianl insert and feel the same. I want to stop them. Is there a certain brand of d-manose you use and are there any side effects or drug interactions? Thanks

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I was told not to take estrogen since I had already had cancer.


After a really bad uti recently and 3 antibiotics I decided to try D Mannose. I purchased the powder after doing a lot of research as it said it is much better than the pills absorbs better. I got the organic on Amazon. I just got it today. I did the cranberry and the suppositories but since I just had the worse uti ever I may finish them and not take them anymore. I also bought something called Semaine it had good reviews I just have to find out if it’s okay to take both with my current medication.

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D-Mannoose worked so far great for me.
I take it cranberry supplement, and pumpkin and D3 together. So far so good. No UTI!!! And physical therapy

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